60. The ray of happiness

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One year later

Sid's point of view

It's been a year since that Preeti and I lost our baby, many things happened during that time but life has changed for better both me and Preeti. We both come closer to each other and understands each other better than before, without saying a word. It's been two years since I married her but my love for her increased day by day. Every morning when I woke up, I found myself falling for her again, more deeply than before.

Yes, she is my life, my love and since when she came into my life, I touched the new heights in business world. I saw her first time four years back at her house, in a red dress, looking like an angel and after that, this is the fourth year in a row, I won a best youngest businessman award. I started three more companies under Preeti's name and they are doing great and every year our Kapoor Groups earns in billions.

James and keerti got marry two months later of that incident and after Preeti feel batter and normal again. Marriage was a grand function than before and we all enjoyed every function wholeheartedly. I took care of Preeti and beside her in every function. I didn't let her do anything and tell her just ordered sitting on chair. But who listen to me, it's her only sister-in-law's marriage and be a sole daughter-in-law of Kapoor's she has to take all responsibilities on her shoulders. But Pooja, Neha really helped her. Kshama was pregnant at that time so she can't come but she enjoyed every function live.

Now they both James and Keerti are blessed with a cute little baby girl, Kyara. She is my favorite niece and I am her favorite Mamu. She turned a three months old a week before and I spoiled her with everything, though Keerti shouted on me everytime when I bought new toy for her but my one glare at her and she zip her mouth.

I am still her elder brother. She can't stop me to spoil my niece.

Nick and Emily also blessed with a baby boy, chase. He is very cute and naughty, always irritates my niece kyara. They both are almost same age but Chase is naughty than Kyara. Kshama also have baby boy and Neha is due for next month.

In past year Preeti and mine friends all move on in their life and blessed with their babies. Everything is perfect in Preeti and mine life. We both love eachother like eternity. We both went on romantic dates and I took her on holidays every after six month but still there is something missing in our life.

We both still miss our baby and sometimes Preeti cried on my shoulder looking at our friends babies. My heart also felt heavy when I saw my friends babies try called them Dad and how both Nick and James' eyes were glowed when they both look at their babies.

I desperately want to be a father and I can see the same desperation in Preeti's eyes but I can't take any risks with Preeti's health. Last month when we consulted Dr. Malik he said Preeti is still weak to conceive and need more time to recover completely. That day Preeti cried hiding her face on my chest but I am glad she didn't push me again from her and I make a sweet love to her till morning. That night was full with passionate love. It was like we both share our sorrow and love through loving each other. At morning she told me how much she love me and willing to wait till doctor didn't showed us green signal.

Serra is still under my arrest and I showed her real hell caging her in a small room where sun rays didn't fell on her and giving her enough food to take breath. She is mentally disturbed now and mostly talk to herself. Nick and James asked me to release her many tjme and hand her to the cops but I refused. I know it's cruel but she deserves it. What she had done to my Preeti was unforgivable. I still can't forget that horrible night when Preeti begged me to kill her. I can't forgive Serra easily, she has to pay every single tear which my Preeti sheds. Preeti didn't know about this. She never took Serra's name in front of me and never asked me where she is. I am glad she didn't ask me because I don't have a heart to tell her.

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