47. 3- idiots

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Sid's point of view

It's already 8.00 P.m and I am still working in my cabin. Preeti left after having lunch with me. She wasn't feeling well and tired so I send her home with Andrew. Her performance interview was marvelous. I know she is intelligent but She didn't believe herself. But I always have this believe in her that my Preeti is one in million and can do anything but she needs someone to show trust on her, to support her emotionally and give a little push. I know her parents gave her all this but she was still that shy girl and afraid that she might ruined everything. Maybe the reason behind it, incidents happened with her in her teen age.

When I met her first time she was a girl of self conscious, a shy type, who didn't have a confidence in herself, who didn't believe herself but now she is no more self conscious and have a confidence. But she is still shyest girl and sometime didn't believe her self. I like her blushing side very much. I just want to kiss her when she blushed because of me.

When I came to know about her interview I set the interview panel myself and kept eye on her every exam. I want to be with her when she was writing her exam and feel nervous. It was hard to stop myself, not to go her because I know she don't like it. But her interview was the best interview I have taken today and the moment she finished with her interview I know she was going to hired by my team, though I didn't give my decision in her hiring but I know only a fool let go such capable candidate.

She will join office from monday. This idea makes me so excited. Now she will be in front of my eyes whole day. I can meet her anytime. I don't have to be wait to end the day. It will be so fun working with her. I can have my kisses from her whenever I want.

...from the kisses I remember the incident which happened few hours back. Dad caught us making out.

God... That was so embarrassing. Next time I will make sure to lock my cabin door when Preeti with me. Because I know my pervert mind around her. I have no control on ut when Preeti is around me

I was in my cabin going through the files when my cabin door open and two idiots walked inside my cabin.

When they will learn to knock?

"What are you doing?" Nick asked me.

"Thinking how to beat both of your ugly asses." I said while raising my head from my file and looked both of them.

They know I am pissed both of them for what they did to Preeti in interview, with their stupid questions and make her nervous.

"Last I checked my ass was beautiful than Nick." James said while looking at Nick.

"Dude you are forgetting, girls are crazy for this ass."

I and James both rolled our eyes. He is full of himself. Sometimes I wonder what Emily saw him. He is an idiot.

"Why are both of you hear." I asked while leaning back to my chair and looked at them. Last time I saw they were in their formals. When they changed into casuals?

Are they going somewhere?

"Let's go to the club for a drink. It's been a while, we three go out." James said.

"No.." I gave a curt reply.

"Come on dude. Now don't be a grumpy grandpa We were just having fun with Preeti and you already kicked are asses for that." Nick said while moving his hands dramatically.

He is a drama king all three of us.

Well he is right. I already kicked their asses to annoy my wife and it's been a while since we three spend time with each other.

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