34. Advancing

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During the next couple of days, I watched Dante grow bigger and stronger with a smile on my face, giving him everything he needed to heal. It didn't even end with physical transformation. His mental health was becoming more balanced as well, and I absolutely loved the confidence he was building up.

But that also meant that I now had a much more energetic werewolf in my hands. I could tell the walls were starting to come down on him. We went out on long walks and cleaned the yard when the weather allowed it, but he didn't get tired that easily anymore. It was almost scary. Mere weeks ago, all he did was sleep, and soon, I would need to start exercising to keep up with him.

Werewolves... And wasn't just a regular werewolf either, so I was getting concerned. And so was Ben. Dante's condition was advancing, and as he grew more restless, he was also getting easily agitated. A big no-no taken the fact that when he got angry, he got murderous. So far things were good, but we all knew it was only a matter of time until he lost control of the beast.

A whole week went by as we anxiously waited for any news about the spellbook, and eventually, I got worried over my parents as well when they stopped answering me. Normally, if I couldn't reach them by phone, I could use a simple blood spell, but now even that didn't work. After three days of not being able to contact them, and no one in Njizrski hadn't heard of Paraz or Izha either, I was getting increasingly worried.

I couldn't think of a reason why they would suddenly go missing while hunting down a regular spellbook, but after everything that we had learned lately, I was getting paranoid.

But then, finally, that day arrived...

My phone started to ring that morning, waking me up from my slumber. I groaned when I reached to grab it, cursing the person who dared to call me so early.

My attitude changed completely when I saw 'Mom' written across on the screen.

"Hello?" I shot up in the bed.

"Is this a bad time to visit?" she asked without greetings.

"Do you have it?"

"I have it."

Thirty minutes later, Dante and I were fully dressed and filled with restless energy as we stood with Ben right in front of the portal. Roe appeared next to us only a minute before Mom stepped through it, holding a big, black briefcase in her hands.

"Where were you?" I asked. "I've been trying to call you for days! I thought something happened to you!"

"Oh, we were in a tricky place," Mom said while taking off her jacket. "No service, you see."

"Where were you?" I repeated, eyeing at the briefcase.

"It's a long story, but turned out that there's plenty of copies to choose from," she smiled, patting the briefcase. "But I didn't want to settle with another cheap one, so I went ahead and got us the original."

To Love A Beast | Gay MxM |Where stories live. Discover now