Chapter Nineteen

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(I don't rlly do other povs usually but this was a great idea that 'jasillnes' gave to me on the last chapter, so I'm going to try it)


Blake's pov :

I pull out my phone to check the time. It's currently four pm, Evanna's soccer training finishes in around twenty minuets.

"Xander, Xavier, Rocco!" I call "I'm going to get Evanna, behave and no cooking anything" I shout.

"Yeah, okay" Rocco calls back.

I chuckle at the memory. I had left the house one time to get some groceries and left them home alone. They almost burnt the house down, trying to cook pizza.

I grab the car keys for the Range Rover, my pride and joy. I love this car so much and if somebody ruined it, pffft they'd be dead.

I hop in and quickly turn on the engine. However just before I pull out of the garage I get a phone call from Vince.

"Hello?" I answer, carefully reversing out of the garage.

"Blake, get to Evanna now!" He exclaims, concern evident in his voice.

When Vince is concerned, something bad has happened.

"What why? What's happened?" I ask, speeding out of the driveway.

"Evanna just called, something isn't right" he says "she didn't turn up for soccer practice and when I called she was mumbling help. She's at the school I just tracked her phone" he adds.

My foot immediately presses harder on the peddle, the vehicle speeds up.

"Okay, well I'm nearly there" I say.

"Call me back as soon as you're there" he demands.

"Yeah, I will Vince" I reassure.

He hangs up the phone and I speed straight towards the school. I halt sharply, parking sideways earning a few odd glances from surrounding kids leaving their extra curricular club.

I jog onto the soccer field, seeing Evanna's coach with the rest of the team.

"Hey, um Evanna's coach" I shout, I feel a little rude but I didn't know her name.

"Yes sir?" She replies, confused on why I was belting on to the field.

"Have you seen Evanna?" I ask.

"No, she didn't turn up after school, I assumed she forgot" she answers.

"Fuck" I mumble.

"Um excuse me sir" a young girl, around Evanna's age speaks up.

"Yeah" I reply.

"I saw Evanna walking down the school alley after school" she says, her lip trembling slightly "I thought she was heading to the car park though" she adds, clearly worried of what my next action would me.

"Thanks kid" I reply.

I immediately look towards the coach.

"Where's that?" I ask.

She points down by the gym.

"Just behind the gym" she says.

"Thanks" I mumble.

I dart towards the gym, frantically looking for the small alley way the girl described.

I finally find the alley, I look down and see a small hand peaking from behind the trash cans.

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