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"You claimed her. So your instincts were right, Xavier," his friend sighed, disappointment dripping in his voice.

"Yes and if you dare suggest killing my mate again I will kill you, beta or not," Xavier threatened.

"Are you going to announce her and everything? Are you not upset that you got a weak little rebellious human?" His friend asked raising an eyebrow, still struggling to come to terms with his own friend being mated to a human girl who ran around on dirty streets.

"She will be announced after being trained and I am very happy to have a human. She has no influence or dominance and despite her need to rebel against me she will be easier to control considering how much more power I have over her. If anything it makes my life easier. I am a lycan so it does not matter what she is, my blood is incredibly strong and will produce Lycans."

"She still does not have our instinct to mate—"

"That does not matter. I have claimed her. That won't make her anything like us but it will help with the mating. She will be more reactive to the slightest touch and as a bonus will not age," Xavier said.

He ran a finger along the sleeping girl's arm and he saw her shiver. A shiver of pleasure.

"See she responds now even when unconscious. Imagine how she would respond when awake. Humans have no sort of defences built into them. Its absolutely beautiful," he sighed.

"You are still taking a human. She is vulnerable and a rebellious little thing. She will fight you. You did take away her freedom, if you could call it freedom. Claimed or not she will do all she can to escape."

"So you expect me to chain her in a room and break her spirit so she won't escape. I won't do such a thing to my soulmate. I want to have her love and trust not her hate. She will try to run away."

"What human is going to love a lycan. A lycan who forced her to come. She will believe she is no more than your slave when she wakes up. She will fear you and run."

"I won't let her!"

Xavier stopped as he saw her beginning to stir and a smile painted his lips. He watched as her eyes shot open. Her eyes locked on the lycan.


"You're awake darling."

"She's nothing but a runaway. She won't listen to you."

"What do you want from me? What could you want from a street rat?"

"Yes my King what could you want from a little dirty street rat?"

"Kyle," Xavier snapped.

"The King. Your highness," Maddy breathed as her fear began to bubble up again.

She was already beginning to slowly inch away. Her eyes analyzing the king like the predator he was.

"Told you she would fear us. Look at her. So weak."

Maddy felt a small burst of anger inside of her at the rude remark. She was not weak. Maybe the priveledged supernatural might have liked to try living on a single, small portion of food every two or three days. If anything to survive in such harsh outside conditions in thin old worn out and torn clothes with so little food was strength. She could have given up and taken her life. But no she never did. That was true strength. They knew absolutely n—

"Kyle be silent. I don't want to hear another word. This human is my guest. She will be treated with civility."

"Guest? You must be joking. I'm a human, you know that. Why are you sparing me? I should be dead. Why am I not dead? Is thi—"

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