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"Maddy he was just trying to look out for you and protect you. You know that—"

"He killed them. I don't like killing or watching killing and he controlled me like that— he can do that and whenever he wants! I don't want anyone having that much power over me. It's my body I should be controlling it not him!" Maddy exclaimed throwing a pillow hard at the wall.

"You don't understand. We are Lycans, we think and act differently to humans. He was eliminating anyone who had harmed you. It is a show of how far he is willing to go for you," Lily said, with a sigh.

Maddy rolled her eyes, "You want a man to control you."

"No! Never! Besides usually whoever has the most status usually has the most power and unless my mate is a high ranked advisor or something, which he is not, I would know if he was. Therefore I will not be controlled."

"That's irrelevant! You saw what he did to me. I became absolute... mush in his hands at his touch. He can control me like that. Why on Earth is he allowed that much power over me. How is that okay!"

"Its only because you are human. Like I said his status gives him more power and any species' abilities have a stronger impact when used on humans. It's not like it's the first time he has done it to you..."

"Wait— what! He has controlled me before!" Maddy exclaimed.

"In the office. When you were in a state he used it to relax you and put you to sleep."

"So he can just control my body and out me to sleep whenever he wants!!"

"Not exactly. It's more when you are tense. It's used to calm our mates. You would not be able to do it on him of course because you are human and you were not in a good state of mind."

"Why does me being human have to influence everything!?"

"Humans are not designed to have a mate. We are. To make sure that everyone has a chance to meet their mate if ones mate dies before they meet the living mate is given a  new mate, usually someone else who has just lost their mate or a human. Humans are not designed to have mates. We are and the bond allows us to do this to each other. You can't because you are not guaranteed a mate."

"I don't like this. It's so unequal. Why should he have so much power over me? And if I can't do it to him why can he still do it to me?! I don't like it!"

"I know this won't help much, but you are still a lot better off than most human mates. For starters, he actually acknowledged you as his mate and has allowed you a title and a good amount of freedom."

"Really? I have guards watching me everywhere! I am not allowed to run around the streets nor the forest and I am closely watched even in the garden."

"You were nearly killed a week and a half ago. Your one arm is in a cast and you have stitches everywhere. Most human mates are treated as pets. The most freedom they get is a bedroom, if they are lucky. Some are even caged. You are incredibly lucky and should be grateful," Lily said.

Maddy silently stared down at the covers of her bed beneath her.

She knew it was true. Any human would die to be in her position. She was loved— adored by the King. She was living in luxury. Despite that... there were elements of it that she hated. Her whole lifestyle had changed. She had no freedom. She felt locked in a cage or like a bird with clipped wings.

"Lily I want to be free. I want to go and run through the streets and feel the rush of adrenaline."

"But you can't. You have to be kept safe—"

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