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Hyunjin's P.O.V

I was laying on the couch in my apartment, feeling even lonelier than usual. I sighed loudly and grabbed my phone, but then I remembered that my friends were busy today. I groaned loudly and tossed my phone down onto my fluffy rug.

My phone started to ring and I snatched it up quickly, hoping it was the cute photographer from earlier. It was an unknown number and that brought up the odds of it being him a lot, since less than 20 people have my personal number. I answered it and a familiar voice on the other side spoke.

"Hi, is this Hyunjin?" The adorably sweet voice said.

"Maybe, but that depends. Who is this?" I asked, knowing who it was, but just wanting to tease him.

"This is Kim Seungmin, the photographer from earlier." He said, starting to get nervous.

"I don't know, I think we should Facetime to prove your identity." I said, teasing him. I heard him whine on the other end of the call, making a smile creep onto my face.

"I'm ugly, though." He whined and I chuckled at his childish behavior.

"You could never be ugly, and I'll have to block you if you don't prove that you're in fact an adorable photographer who is amazing at his job." I said, making him sigh loudly.

"Fine," he agreed with a quiet groan,"but you aren't allowed to make fun of me."

"I've already seen you in person, and you were really cute, Minnie, so why would it be any different over the phone?" I asked him and when his face showed up on the screen he was blushing a little.

"Damn." I said inhaling deeply.

"What?" He asked, frantically checking his appearance in the small box on the corner of his screen. "Am I that ugly?" He asked and I chuckled at him softly.

"No," I said in a deep voice, trying to sound seductive, "just the opposite in fact. In just 6 hours I managed to forget just how stunningly gorgeous you are." I said and the voice must have worked judging by the blush decorating his cheeks.

He muttered a shy, "Thanks." And I gave him a big smile.

"You're so adorable when you blush." I said and the redness of his face intensified. "Especially when I'm the cause of how flustered you are." I murmured, winking at the end and causing him to hide his face with the hand not holding his phone.

"So cute!" I cooed at the boy who was a blushing mess.

"Aigoo!" He said, but the smile on his puppy like face told me that he was enjoying the flattery. "Why do you keep saying such nice things to me?" He muttered after he finally had somewhat calmed down.

"My mom told me to always tell the truth." I said shrugging, and he glared at me through the phone. "In all seriousness, the reason I do it is because I love it when you blush." I said and he did just that.

"Pink is definitely your color." I said, winking at him and once again sending him into a fit of blushing and protesting all the compliments.

"You're such a flirt Mr.Hwang." he said with a shy grin. "You probably do this with everyone, huh?" He asked, sounding a little bit down.

"Well, I can tell by your reaction everytime I compliment you that you don't get them enough." I said, and he glanced at lap cutely.

"I get compliments all the time." He protested, trying to put on an angry look, but he was even cuter. "I just so happen to live with two confident gays." He said with a smirk, looking happy with himself.

"Well, do you blush when they compliment you?" I asked, raising one eyebrow quizzically. He shook his head and furrowed his brows at me, not getting where I was going with this.

"I guess I must be special then? Isn't that right, Minnie?" I asked him and he blushed more than I had ever seen him. He turned into a stuttering mess and I just cooed at him through the phone, loving that I could do this with just words.

It made me curious what I could do when we saw each other in person again. A sly smirk crawled onto my full lips, and he looked at me weirdly, probably wondering what I was thinking about. I didn't enlighten the puppy, because if I did I was worried he'd have a heart attack.

Camera Shy《Seungjin》✔Where stories live. Discover now