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Seungmin's P.O.V

After our movie night, where we had watched Frozen, I had gone home to try to avoid any more rumors and gossip about me and Hyunjin. It didn't seem to help much, though, because every gossip site had new stories about us. I looked at a few of them and was extremely entertained by some of the theories and rumours they had come up with.

At work things had been extremely tense, but I hadn't told Hyunjin yet, fearing what would he would do. Almost everyone at work(save Mingyu Hyung and Jungkook Hyung)was either ignoring me, talking bad about me behind my back, or talking bad about to my face. That, on top of all of the things that went along with winning the contest, was making me extremely tired out.

Just as I was logging off of my computer to go home, I got stopped by somebody. My eyes met those of one of my coworkers. I wasn't close with him, but we had become interns at close to the same time, so we had talked a couple times before. I quickly glanced around the room for my two friends, but then I remembered that they were gone.

I was working late that day to finish up a spread I wanted to present to the manager of the floor to get his thoughts and feedback. The boy got closer to my face, towering over me and I stood up, backing away from him cautiously.

"Did y-you need s-something?" I stuttered, failing at acting natural. She stepped closer, his face contorted into a sneer. I tried to get away from him, but I fell, tripping over my own feet. He walked toward me down the aisle between my cubicle and another. He laughed as I crawled away backwards, the way his eyes glinted making me feel scared.

"I need you to leave this job!" He growled, stepping closer and trapping me when my back hit the wall. I shook my head at him, trying to be brave but I was shaking furiously.


"You shouldn't be able to win contests and do extra photos shoots, just because you sleep with the models." He hissed, slowly approaching me. "Not everyone is a slutty f*ggot, who takes it up the ass from people way to good for him! You only one that award because your model is gorgeous, which exactly why he is too good for you."


"Please! I'm not—That's not true!" I said, holding my hands in front of me. "I don't want to fight, please." I begged, curling legs into chest. He laughed evilly and continued toward me.

"Good, because neither do I." He said with a sneer. "I wasn't planning on you putting up a very good fight, anyway." He said standing in front of me. His leg connected with my stomach, knocking the air out of me.

I clutched my stomach, gasping for air as he kicked me again. I groaned and tried to yell, but he covered my mouth with his left hand, and kneeling next to me. He used his right hand to punch me in the gut, definitely bruising my ribs.

"You deserve worse." He hissed at me. "You're just lucky that I'm feeling generous today." He shoved my face to the side and stood up, sending one more kick to my stomach before standing and walking away.

As soon as he was out of of my sight, I let my tears fall. I curled up with a groan and stayed there, not daring to get up. Footsteps approached me and I prepared for more hits, squeezing my eyes shut and bracing myself. I let my eyes open slowly when the hits didn't come, relaxing when I saw who it was.

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