7) find me

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"go down to go up" I say remembering what Damion said. I sigh and jump into the hole. I end up at a gate with the reaper standing there. He points to me I look at him, it gets quiet.



+I want to see paradiso.+ I sign and red eyes go white then black then disapears. There's a flash of light and I'm on clouds.

"She doesn't have wings"

"What is she"

"How is a human here."

I hear gossips, yup this is going as planned. I walk till I get to a big castle gate.

"May I help you ma'am." He ask I nod and point to angel and an elderly man.

+Paradiso+ I sign he looks at my eyes and nods. I walk up to the door and the man is there angry.

"I don't know who you think you are to spell your way here. But my grandson is engaged to a beautiful angel who should be here any minute so get your useless human but down where you gold diggers belong." He says and I'm in hell. That was a fast drop. Before I can even walk I freeze.

"Look a human."

"Can she survive."

"Why is she here"

"I...in...f.fer.n.nno" I shiver and go to step I fall. Damn it's colder here then winter.

"Hey, hang in there." I hear and my eyes start to close.

"No, stay awake." The feminine voice says. I open my eyes and see a girl that looks like the twins.

"Mom, help." I hear and an older version of the girl runs in.

"Don't hurt me." I say passing out.

I wake up to a warm big bed and a trey of food. I jump a little and look around there's a note on the night stand, I pick it up and open it to a heart.

"Didn't mean to fritten you dear, there's clothes in the bathroom feel free to eat and get ready for the day. When your done the map on your door will lead you to the office please join us."

I think about the note, and reatch for the food then realize, I'm human the lowest of the low the extinct. I change my mind and decide to just follow the map.

"Hi your eclipse right" some girl says damn why do demon look so scary.

"I don't mean to scare you. Come on my mom wants to meet the future queen." She says pulling me down some stairs and to a big black designed door.

"But I'm...." I start and a gust of wind gets me light headed I start falling.

"I told you no teleporting with her." I hear and start to see a giant royal office, I look up and see the woman with a crown and turn to see.

"Damion" I say he smiles and helps me stand.

"What happened" he asks I explain what happened and he punches a solid concrete wall braking it.

"I'm....gonna...go" I say, I turn to leave and I'm lifted into strong sexy muscelur. Damn it eclipse not the time.

"Lunar, stop fighting me. No one will hurt you" he says I stop fighting and he sets me down.

"Yes sir" I say he smiles and kisses my Temple.

"Wow she's still in one piece and breathing." The younger girl who looks like his sister says walking up to me, I back up hidding behind dev.

"Easy annabel, your scaring her easy with the fast movement." He says she huffs and disapears.

"I apologise for my daughter, my son's write about you all the time, so she was dieing to meet you." She smiles I hide more, I don't know if she'll hurt me.

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