Chapter Eight

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"So, in your mind, does 'donate' mean throw every piece of clothing I own in a corner in the back of the closet until you forget that you're really just a home wrecker and backstabbing bitch?"

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"So, in your mind, does 'donate' mean throw every piece of clothing I own in a corner in the back of the closet until you forget that you're really just a home wrecker and backstabbing bitch?"

Layla's eyes went as wide as saucers and it wasn't until Lucas was shoving half my wardrobe into my suitcases did I realize she was still holding that damn spatula in her hand.

It wasn't even the right utensil to use for spaghetti as it was decorative and actually had a cute logo for our wedding and the year of our wedding inscribed on the silicone side.

"You can't talk to me like that!  And you're breaking and entering, I could call the cops and have you arrested for stealing!"

I laughed without humor.

"Please.  I dare you to call the cops.  They'd laugh you out of the house.  Everything in here is mine, I get mail to this address, you don't matter.  I could say you're the intruder and they'd haul your ass to jail.  What do you think about that, Layla?  Or should I say again, home wrecker?"

Reed's snorting laughter filled the uncomfortable silence but he quickly disguised it with a cough and a smirk tugged at my mouth.

"Now get out of our way or we're really going to have a problem."

She huffed and went to go tend to her spaghetti which I knew for a fact Nate absolutely despised even when it was made at five star restaurants so I figured how well his 'favorite' dish would go over later.

"Nate's going to be here soon and he is not going to be happy.  I'm calling him right now!"

"Go ahead and call him, I don't care."

And I honestly didn't.  The only things I felt for him in that moment were pure unbridled uninterest and disdain.

Searching the room for one of my most prized possession that I'd forgotten in my madness, panic began rising in my stomach.

I began frantically pulling out all the drawers in the room, going down on my knees to search under the bed. 

Layla's emotionless laughter filled the air and dread filled the space in my torso that had been previously taken up with pain and sorrow.

"Looking for something, bitch?  I already read it, and to be honest it was quite terrible.  I've never read such shitty poetry."

I was positive my eyes turned red and glowed with the fury of the emotions boiling the blood coursing through my veins.

Lucas jumped up and had to stop me from physically assaulting her.

"What did you do with it?"

"That was one of the things that we really did trash. Nate read it and all the shit you wrote about him, plus some really fucked up stories and if they're true I'd really recommend a therapist.  He laughed at it all, said he was glad you would never show him your writings before, they weren't worth the wait."

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