Chapter Twenty-Three

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The drive was all too familiar- transplanted palm trees to make the area seem beachy even though we were hours from the water, rough neighborhoods that gave way to nice sidewalks and newly updated roads and signs

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The drive was all too familiar- transplanted palm trees to make the area seem beachy even though we were hours from the water, rough neighborhoods that gave way to nice sidewalks and newly updated roads and signs.

The homes became more extravagant the farther into town we drove, and soon we found ourselves in front of a traditional split level with a walkout basement, the place that I once considered my safest place reduced to a description of architecture.

This place hadn't been my safe haven since fourteen years old and a naïveté that rivaled even the most gullible people in the world.

I didn't think anything could touch me, I was invincible...until I wasn't anymore.

I shook myself out of my melancholic reminiscence and locked eyes with Emmett who had taken his place in the passenger seat of Lucas' car while I opted for the back.

His blue eyes were filled with sympathy and understanding, like he related to complicated family pasts more than most, which he very well might have- I didn't know his story, but he also didn't know mine, and I wanted to keep it that way.

"Okay Lydia, you gonna get out first?"

I gulped.

"N-no, you guys can get out first..." I trailed off, the memories of this place threatening to drown me if I wasn't careful.

My mother always assumed that it was her fault that I never wanted to come home. She always thought that it was Nate that drove a wedge between me and my family when in reality it had been there long before Nate had ever came along.

The wedge walked in our house and sat down right in the middle of our living room, laughed with my parents and acted like a decent human being, until that wedge did something that no one ever expected a decent human being to do...

I could feel the panic attack rising in my chest, the tingles in my fingertips trailing up my arms and extending up my neck to my head, tightening my esophagus as it did so.

Something else, I had to think of something else...

Rafael. That one would work. Get justice for Marnie by destroying Rafael in the process, take him down for Marnie, justice for Marnie. Revenge...

My heart calmed down by a few beats a minute, although the clammy feeling never left my clutched palms.


I flicked my head to the side to see Emmett and Lucas standing in front of the opened door in the backseat, both staring at me with concern etched in their eyes.

"I'm coming, I just n-needed a minute."

I extended my leg out of the car with the long thin navy blue sundress tickling my ankles as I did so.

Lucas and Emmett were both dressed in nice thin material button ups and nice jeans, albeit a bit more formal than a normal family dinner would have been, but since I hadn't seen my mother or father in over a year I figured this was the occasion for it.

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