Chapter Twenty-Two

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My breath left me in a flurry as I hung the phone up, my father's words still ringing in my ears

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My breath left me in a flurry as I hung the phone up, my father's words still ringing in my ears.

Of course he thought the family meeting/dinner would be a great idea, he wasn't my mother though...

He always managed to stay off of her bad side, so it wasn't like he really knew what it felt like to basically be excommunicated by your own family.

We were supposed to meet that night and the bundle of nerves in my stomach became an absolute wrecking ball.

"Hey Lydia, I got your car back from your old apartment. Sorry it took me so long, I had to find a day that Reed was free so he could drive my car back."

Lucas threw my keys on my beside table but when I didn't respond to him he grew concerned. I just kept staring straight forward, the possibilities of what the night could hold rushing through my brain.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm going to see mom and dad tonight."

"Holy shit..."


"Do you want backup? I can come with you."

"Yeah, that would be great actually. My dad wants Emmett there too, there's some things that we need to discuss, police stuff."

"What are you getting yourself mixed up in Lydia? You remember what happened the last time you were mixed up in 'police stuff'."

"I know perfectly well what happened, thank you very much. A big fat nothing, that's what. This time I have the opportunity to help a girl who is hurting like I did. Don't I owe it to her to give it my best shot?"

He came further into the room and sat down at the foot of my bed, pain shining in his eyes for the fact that he couldn't save his little sister, not then and he couldn't do it even now.

"Are you doing this for her, or are you doing it for you?"

I didn't even have to think about that even for a second, because I knew the truth even if I didn't want to.

"Both. I need to do this, Lucas, and you can either be with me or against me."

"Does Emmett know the real reason you're helping this girl? I'm assuming she's a friend of his and knows what went down otherwise dad wouldn't need him there to talk with him."

"No, he doesn't know anything about my past and I really don't feel like broadcasting it to him or anyone for that matter. Nate didn't even know."

"Lydia! I know he was a piece of shit, but you were with him for four years and you never told him?! The truth is going to come out one way or another, and you know mom is probably gonna want to bring it up like she's your therapist or something. How are you going to explain that to him then?"

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