Something Makes me MAD!!!!

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I hop out of bed and starts to put my clothes on. As I'm getting ready to leave Damien wakes up.

"Bri where you going"

"I got to go pick up my best friend and god son"

"Why what's wrong"

"Ill explain later" I say rushing out the door. Its a good thing I had my fathers car for the weekend already. Driving all the way to where she said they were, I got there in 10 minutes even though is a 25 minute drive. Running a few red lights on the way.

She puts King in the back seat and i realize he one have on a onesie and it's type nippy outside considering the time. She get in the back with him and look extremely mad.

"Okay so what happen and where you want me to take you"

"That idiot again and just take me to the house i called mommy to pick us up already.

See I never liked her husband and I'm pretty sure the feeling it mutual because we don't ever speak to each other. But instead of protest her request I did what she said

We arrived at her house and she leaves King in the car with me to go pack them some clothes, which im totally fine with I love this little boy. While playing with my gorgeous god son my phone started ringing. It was Damien calling, I would have figured he went back to sleep by now but guess not.

"Hey bae you okay?" He ask soon as I answer the phone. It still feels unreal that we are actually together but I love hearing him call me that.

"Im fine babe just sitting outside of Jay's house with King."

"How is she, what happened"

"A lot I'll explain later"

He agreed and we got of the phone as Jada got back in the car. We talk for a while before her mom pulled up to get here. She told me to let her know when I got in the house safely.

I pull off and drive to dunkin donuts but her house, which was probably a dad idea considering my ex or should I say stalker lives around the corner, but I need some coffee to wake me up since I haven't been to sleep yet and its going on 5:30 in the morning.

I find a parking spot and goes inside and come face to face with the stalker himself but he is not alone. I couldn't but laugh drawing the attention of the few customers and worker inside. He look ups from his phone and you could have thought he seen a ghost by the way his light skin turned red.

See I think that's where i messed up at, dating a light skin nigga, oh well.

He turn to look at the chocolate girl next to him. She was a little shorter then me, curly long hair and a pretty face. I'm not a hater if a female cute then she's cute. Unless her personality makes her ugly. Which her was definitely about to do.

I ignore his stares and get in line to get my coffee so I can hurry up and leave. I guess she realize he wasn't paying her any attention now and follow his eyes to see what he was looking at. When her eye connected with mines, annoyance and frustration written all over her face.

It obvious she know who I am, just like I know who she is. Destiny, the same girl he was talking to for a year on our 3 year relationship. I smile thinking how im so happy I left this idiot alone because at that moment it dawn on me, they never stopped talking even after I found out.

Charles eye never left my face as she decides to try and make me jealous by kissing him. I guess she doesn't know he still text me everyday trying to get back with me. I laugh at her fail attempt to make me jealous, that just seem to anger her. Oh well.

I finally make it to the counter and place my order. I got a french vanilla hot coffee with 4 sugars and a toast bagel with cream cheese.

As im waiting for my bagel I feel a presence behind so I turn around and of course it's Charles.

"Hey snook can we talk" he ask calling me by the nickname he called me when we was together. I look around and Destiny no where to be found or so i thought.

"We have nothing to talk about and don't call me that"

"Oh stop it you know you'll always be my snookums"

I laugh at his delusion and replies " I don't think my boyfriend would like that". He's smile disappeared instantly, making me laugh even more. Im so over this dude.

"Come on bae let's go" Destiny said coming out of no where.

Continuing to laugh "seem like you girlfriend ready to leave" I say as I grab my bag and return to the car.

I drove home where I immediately jumped into my own bed. I text Damien to let him know I was home safe and drifted of to sleep. I was tired as hell considering my boyfriend's loud snoring, that's going to take some getting used to and the drama that all took place before 10 am.

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