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Friday came, and they lost the game. Everyone on the team had expected it to happen, but on the ride home, Jungkook realized that it hurt more than he'd expected it to. He hadn't thought it would be painful at all to lose at a game he wasn't even remotely invested in, and yet when the timer ran out and they were behind twenty points, he felt surprisingly unstable. He was lucky he was sitting in the wheelchair because he sort of felt like falling to his knees.

There were innumerable reasons as to why they'd lost. Jungkook and Jin were still dead weight on the court, as they weren't particularly good at either offense or defense. Hoseok was notably the fastest player on the court, but he couldn't shoot with much accuracy, so he'd get open and either miss a shot or waste time waiting for someone else to get in position for a pass. Yoongi spent most of the game snapping at his own team members, loudly criticizing their mistakes even though he wasn't having a great game himself. Jimin had made the majority of their points off passes from Hoseok, but even when Yoongi was open, Jimin took the shot himself instead of passing and subsequently lost the opportunity for a few easy points.

Jungkook stared out the window. Namjoon had gotten permission from the school to use one of their athletic buses, as they had to transport their wheelchairs and all the players. On the ride there, everyone had been chatting, but it was quiet now. Up in the driver's seat, Namjoon would occasionally clear his throat and check the rearview mirror. He clearly wanted to talk about the game and analyze why they'd lost, but the mood on the bus was clearly inappropriate for that discussion just yet.

Yoongi was sitting in the seat in front of Jungkook. Jungkook was tempted to tell Yoongi how much he didn't appreciate being yelled at the whole game, but he decided to keep quiet because he didn't like confrontation. He sighed, leaning his head against the window, and he caught the reflection of Yoongi's phone screen in the window ahead of him.

Girlfriend <3

We're over. I'll leave your stuff on your porch sometime this weekend.


What? What do you mean, we're over?

Girlfriend <3

We're done.


Are you seriously breaking up with me over a text?

What the hell did I even do?

Can we talk about this?

You can no longer send messages to this number.

Jungkook finished reading the screen and quickly diverted his eyes out the window because he didn't want Yoongi to catch him. His first question was why Yoongi hadn't told them, but then he realized that Yoongi had no obligation to tell them anything about his personal life. But still, maybe it explained why he'd been so rude during the game.

Someone – maybe Hoseok – groaned, breaking up the silence, and Jungkook looked over. Hoseok was staring up at the ceiling of the bus, shoulders drooping.

"I knew we were going to lose but this really sucked," he said, and Jungkook scooted a little closer so he could see and hear everyone.

"But it was a good first try," Jin defended anxiously, his eyes flicking between Hoseok and Jimin. "Right?"

"No, it was a horrible attempt," Yoongi snapped, not bothering to move closer. He leaned his head against the window, and Jungkook tried to imagine his expression; in his mind, Yoongi was scowling like normal, his eyes narrowed.

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