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The week passed with Jungkook practicing late with Yoongi. He got a little better each day, and by Thursday, Yoongi actually gave him a compliment, his first. He drove Jungkook home every day even though Jungkook had never asked, and when Jungkook's mom was home early from work, Yoongi would wave at her before leaving.

Which led them to Friday's conversation on the bus as they headed to their second game.

"My mom isn't hot!" Jungkook denied, his face growing red at the discussion his teammates had been persistent on continuing.

"She definitely is," Yoongi said nonchalantly as he scrolled on his phone. "She looks really young. You just can't see it since you're her kid. You're missing out, honestly."

"I haven't seen your mom yet. Is she coming to our game today?" Hoseok asked, twisting around in his seat to look over at Jungkook.

"No, she has work, so you can't ogle her the whole game," Jungkook said, for once feeling glad that she was busy so that his teammates wouldn't fixate on her. Jungkook knew his mom was pretty and that she'd had him when she'd been relatively young, but it was weird to hear other people tell him that. Especially people his age.

"Think she's interested in eighteen-year-olds?" Yoongi mused, and Jungkook nearly choked.

"Aren't you dating what's-her-face?" Hoseok asked, looking over at Yoongi instead.

"Not anymore," Yoongi said without further explanation. He looked up from his phone and squinted at the ceiling before turning to meet Jungkook's eyes. "Maybe it'll sound better if you say I'll be nineteen in ten months. Tell her that instead."

"I'm not telling my mom that you think she's hot!" Jungkook repeated, extremely flustered. He'd been planning to really give this game his best effort, but now he knew he'd be unable to focus the entire time. "You guys are the worst," he mumbled.

"You don't have to tell her that I think she's hot, just casually let her know that I've recently become available. Just tell her that Min Yoongi is back on the meat market."

A few groans and calls of "gross" echoed around the bus.

"If you've got a mom complex, my mom is young and single and still plenty pissed off at her ex-husband enough to get it on with an eighteen-year-old," Jimin offered up. "But I don't want you as my step-dad so, on second thought, pass."

"Jimin's mom is cute though," Hoseok immediately said as though trying to help Yoongi out with some tips. "And a little on the shorter side, so you two might really hit it off."

There was a collective inhale as everyone held their breath, expecting Yoongi to get angry, but he just smirked. "We'll see," he said with a small chuckle, and the others joined in once it was clear that Yoongi wasn't going to pick (another) fight with Hoseok (at least right now).


Their game was in a bigger city this time, and due to the traffic, Namjoon had to park the bus just under a mile away from the high school. He probably could have parked in one of the handicap spots, but the bus was big and cumbersome, and he didn't trust his parking skills since he wasn't completely familiar with driving it. Jin seconded his call, and he dropped Hoseok and Jimin off first so they didn't have to travel. Yoongi, Jin, Jungkook, and Namjoon got out at the parking garage where he parked and started walking back towards the high school.

Jungkook was in the back of the four, keeping up with them but also looking around at the city. He'd only been to cities on field trips or special occasions, so it was exciting in a way.

He was looking into a coffee shop across the street that they were passing when he nearly tripped over the sidewalk. A man left the shop, and Jungkook tracked him with his eyes, unconsciously beginning to walk faster. When their small group came to an intersection and went straight, Jungkook headed left across the street, running back down towards the coffee shop, but the man was gone. Jungkook bit his lips, feeling like he wanted to scream and cry at the same time, but he turned into the coffee shop, hoping he could figure out something.

"Hi," Jungkook said, resting an arm up on the counter. "I'm hoping you can help me."

"Hi there sweetie," said a large woman who was drying out a coffee cup. Jungkook couldn't describe it exactly, but he just sort of felt instantly comfortable in her presence. He had the feeling that she was a mom, and a good one. "What can I do for ya?"

"There was a guy in here," Jungkook said, feeling himself grow flustered because he was horrible at explaining things, but he pressed on. "He just left a minute ago."

"And?" she asked, setting down the cup and placing a hand on her hip. "What about him? Did he cause you some sort of trouble?"

"I just- I've been looking for him, and I just saw him, so..." Jungkook didn't know how to explain the need inside of him. "Do you know anything about him? Does he come here often, or maybe he left his contact information?" Jungkook asked. It was an infinitesimal chance, but he couldn't help asking.

Her lips slipped downward in a sympathetic twist, wiping her hands on the towel. "Does that man owe you something, sweetie?"

"No, he doesn't really...owe me anything...it's just," Jungkook paused, trying to restrain the urge to cry. "He's my dad, and I haven't seen him in a year, I don't even know why he left. I just want to talk to him, I swear."

"Oh, sweetie," she said, sighing as she set the rag on the counter. "I wish I could help you, but I don't know anything about that man. I couldn't even tell you his name."

Jungkook felt the small balloon of hope in his chest deflate, and he felt so small in that moment. "Right...sorry...well, thank-"

"He does come in every week, though," she offered up, and Jungkook sucked in a quick breath. "I couldn't tell you his contact information or where he works, but he usually drops in around 3:30 on Fridays."

Jungkook's heart seemed to double-beat, thumping painfully in his chest as it shifted rhythms. He didn't know what he was going to do with this new information, but it was all he had to go on. It was the only news he'd had of his father in the last year, and even if it was next to nothing, it was more than he'd had yesterday. "Thank you, ma'am – really, thank you-" His eyes were tearing up, and he wiped at them, thoroughly embarrassed.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm just sorry I couldn't be of more help," she said, brows creasing.

"No, this is- thank you, I appreciate it," Jungkook said again, bowing his head slightly in appreciation.

"Do you want me to ask for his name and number next time he comes in?" she asked, picking up another mug. She moved the towel off her shoulder and began drying the interior of the cup, keeping eye contact with him all the while. He wondered how many cups she dried a day. She seemed an innate part of the shop, like she'd been here when the beams had been put in and the ceiling raised.

"No, that's- that's all right," Jungkook said. He was afraid that if she did, she might spook his dad off, and then he'd be back at square one – maybe even zero. "I'll try to stop in again on another Friday." He wasn't exactly sure how he was going to make that happen; his mom certainly wouldn't drive him, and public transportation would be expensive. But he had to try, didn't he?

"Well, I hope it all works out," she said, setting down the cup and picking up another one. "But just remember, sweetie. Some people are better off being out of your life."

Jungkook just nodded, swallowing at her last sentence, but he thanked her once more, turned, and left the shop, his mind feeling cluttered.

He retraced his steps, making it back to the intersection, only once he crossed the street, he stopped and looked around. He knew which was the parking garage was, but he hadn't been paying attention when Namjoon had driven there from the high school. A quick look at his cell phone told him that he'd been missing for almost fifteen minutes; had they noticed he was gone? Were they worried?

A dark thread spooled inside his gut when he looked past his clock on the screen and saw ten missed calls from Namjoon, the only member on the team who had his number.

Jungkook gulped.

--updated 07/02/20--

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