Chapter 24

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Sebastien's pov

After nearly running for about seven hours we finally reached a place that was safe.  'We can rest for a bit now. I know the path further.' I said to Bella and she nodded.

We both sat down and just relaxed. The scenery around us was amazing. 'How are your wounds now?' I asked her. 'They are fine. Almost healed now.' she replied.

'I will go and search for water. Stay here.' I said to her and she nodded. I transformed into my wolf and started running. Finally I saw a stream nearby and was relieved. 'We should bring mate here. We can drink water.' my wolf said. 'Yes, but she is injured. Her wolf will be tired and her clothes are torn a little bit. Do you think it is best for her to transform and come?' I asked him transforming back in my human form.

'You are right.' my wolf said. I ran fast and turned around. This was a forest with a lot if rain. Surely there must be something. Finally I saw some bamboo trees. I gave a sigh of relief. I went there and cut the tree. Finally I made some bamboo cups and filled water in them.

Balancing them carefully in my arms I went to where Bella was sitting. 'Sorry it took me long to come back.' I said to her handing her the bamboo cup. 'Its okay.' she said and drank the water.

'I know that you are comfortable here but there is a spot nearby which is even safer and better and has a water stream as well. Can we go there?' I asked her.

'I have no problem. Let's go.' she said getting up but couldn't. 'The silver had its effect and mate also ran for a long time. She is having trouble to walk right now as her wolf is trying to rest and heal at the same time.' my wolf said to me.

'If you don't mind Bella, can I carry you?' I asked her. Her eyes widened but she slowly nodded.

I picked her up carefully and sparks ignited throughout my body. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I carried her carefully in a bridal way to the stream. When we reached I carefully kept her down underneath a tree. Her arms were still wrapped around my neck and honestly when I kept her down she looked up at me. Our lips were only a few inches apart from each other. 'Kiss her!' my wolf howled. I closed my eyes and looked away from her. I scolded my wolf while he kept arguing with me. 'Sorry for that. I shouldn't have come that near. I invaded your personal space.' I said to her.

'No it's ....' she began saying. 'I will go and search for something to eat. I'd you need more water the stream is there and you have the cup with you. Stay put.' I said to her.

'What am I doing?!' I face palmed while walking around to search for food. 'Its normal to feel attracted to our mate.' my wolf said. 'Not when she is not ready to accept us. I made her uncomfortable.' I said to him.

I spotted some wild berries and sniffed them to check if they poisonous. Fortunately they were not. I started picking them and packing them in a huge leaf basket I had made. Landyn had taught how to make them in my childhood.  I was also simultaneously fighting with my wolf.

'Come on we have already kissed her!' my wolf said and suddenly fell quiet. 'What?! When?!' I asked him in shock. 'Forget I said that.' my wolf said. 'No! I will not. I swear to god you dog that if you have ever taken control without my permission and tried to do something to her because of your lust then I will inject silver inside me and kill you!' I said to him.

'You were in your conscience.' he said. 'When did I kiss her?!' I asked him. 'Remeber that dream you had while you were staying in her pack where you pulled her inside, laid her on the bed and made out with her?' my wolf said calmly.

'That was real or a dream?!' I asked my wolf and he stayed quiet. 'YOU DOG THAT WAS REAL OR WAS A DREAM?!' I asked him. 'It was not a dream. I just pretended it was because I wanted to spend time with her.' my wolf whimpered. 'So she was really in our room that night?' I asked him. 'Yes,she had come to give you the blankets.' he said. 'So that was what she was trying to tell me. That it was s reality and I just hushed her and kissed her and... ' my head started spinning. 'Its okay seb, I am sorry. I should have told you.' he said.

'Yeah you should have. That is the reason why that dream felt so real. I need to apologise to her.' I said.

I took the berries and some fruits I could to her and sat by her side. She thanked me and started eating them. She seemed comfortable and i did not want to bring the subject up of that night as I knew it would make her uncomfortable. 'These baskets are cute.' she said to me and I snapped out of my daze. 'Yeah, I made them when I was a child.' I said to her.

'I never about your childhood. It really must have been hard.' she said to me. In her pack even omegas had cemented homes with two or three rooms and a proper kitchen while my pack was full of corruption back then.

'It was actually not that hard. I was used to that lifestyle. Besides that I spent most of my time in the wild with my teacher studying so it did not bother me that much. Of course when I moved into the pack house it was a big lifestyle change for me but still my  life helped me see the harsh realities and challenges many have to face. Even gave me a chance to know the plight of my pack. It just helped me. I have no regrets.' I said to her.

'Thats nice. But you must not miss anything about it right?' she asked me. 'I do miss the stress free lifestyle. It was just me and my mom I had to worry about. Now there is an entire pack. Everybody. They are all my family. I need to assure them over and over again to not be scared. I am their leader not their dictator. There is a always a past to deal with and a future to worry about as an alpha. It is a lot of stress. I think that is why many alphas need mates. You know a best friend,companion, a person to love and be loved.' I said and instantly regretted saying it. I said about wanting a mate right in front of my mate. I was an idiot.

Finally she was talking to me normally like a friend and comfortably and I just had to express my feelings. In front of other people I am fine. That is the reason why I am a successful alpha. Why do I let my guard down and behave like this with her?! I thought. 'Because she is your mate and you love her.' my wolf said. 'Shut up.' I said to him.

'So, tell me about your childhood?' I asked her changing the subject. For the first time she talked. Joyfully. She told me about her parents,her sibling,her grandparents. She had a lot of love and support from her family while growing up and even now. She seemed happy talking about them and I was enjoying it. I just kept looking at her cherishing the moment.

Finally it dawned on me that we had to leave. 

'Do you want to rest more or should we start going forward now?' I asked her. 'I am done.' she said getting up.

'Okay then. Let's go to your pack.' I said to her.

'My pack?' she asked me. 'Yeah. I will drop you at yours and then go forward to mine.' I said to her and started walking.

'Sebastien, wait!' Bella said and I turned around.

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