Chapter 25

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Sebastian's pov

I turned around to look when Bella told me to wait. 'Which pack is closer?' she asked me.

'Technically, depending on the route, mine.' I said in a quiet voice.

'Then can we go there?' she asked me and I was surprised. 'Are you tired?' I asked her. 'A little bit.' she said.

'Will you really be okay with coming in my pack?' I asked her. She nodded. 'No problem,its closer.' she said.

'Okay,then let's go there.' I said to her. All along the way I tried to make conversation with her but in reality my head was hurting. She was really okay with coming in my pack? 'Mate is falling for us.' my wolf howled happily.

'No she's not. Stop telling yourself lies to aid your heart.' I said to him and myself.

Finally we entered my pack borders and  I mindlinked my beta. Immediately everyone came rushing to the pack borders and started greeting us happily. Ecstatic to see me and their Luna.

'Luna, I missed you!' a little came forward and hugged her. ' I missed you too jasmine. How is everyone else doing?' she asked in a happy tone. 'They are fine. We made cards for you.' she said.

I was surprised because jasmine was from the pack orphanage. All the other she mentioned were as well. Everyone around was interacting with Bella like she had come back for good. If only they knew!

"Now come on everyone,Luna needs rest.' Ariana said. She came forward and hugged Bella as well. I forgot that during her time hear Bella had become really good friends with Ariana and would stay with her day in and day out.

I was happy seeing her like this with my pack.

After a while we went into the pack house and I told her to go a room and relax.

I went straight into the pack office and started discussing with my beta. Now Marcus was going to come after me and Bella and I had to be prepared.

I even called Bella's pack and they were relieved that she was safe. For the first time it felt like they trusted me. They said that she should relax and they will call her later. I told them to call me anytime needed.

After working in the pack office for a few hours I realized it was dinner time. I went out tired out of my wits to have dinner. I sat down on the dinner table but surprisingly Bella sat beside me!

We had a nice talk and had dinner. Me and my wolf were feeling better now. I was glad that I was at least on friendly terms with her now. 'Mate with her!' my wolf said. 'Just because she smiles doesn't mean she is in love,you idiot.' I said to him. 'Many wolves already have pups by now and start trying for another and here you are, five feet away from your mate.' my wolf said.

'Remember why she left.' I said in a harsh tone.

I went towards to sleep. Taking a shower and changing my clothes I laid down on my bed and tried to sleep but I couldn't.

So much had happened today and was going to happen that I felt a little tired and also a bit frustrated.

I got up from my bed and went outside for a walk.

I went into the park and sat down on the bench enjoying the night breeze.

'Cant sleep?' a voice said behind me. I turned around to see it was my mate.

'Yeah. Just too much going on.'  I said to her.

'This is a lovely place.' Bella said sitting down on the bench.

'Yeah, by the way you should rest, you are still healing.' I said to her. 'I am almost completely healed now, and don't worry about me. I have aloha blood.' she said.

'Do you mind if I check?' I said to her looking at her hand. She shook her head.

I took her hand and examined it, some marks were still there. I looked at her feet as well. The silver had really affected her.

'Will you come with me?' I asked her. 'Where?' she asked me. 'I have a medicine for you that can help you heal.' I said to her.

She got up and followed my lead. We went into my private office inside the pack office where only I could enter.

There was a small corner here where usually my medicinal herbs were kept. I took some of them and made a paste.

'Here,have a seat.' I said to Bella. 'But it is your chair.' Bella said.

'I don't mind.' I said and made her sit down. I knelt down in front of her and applied the paste to her hands and feet carefully.

'I know the pack doctor already gave you medicines but this will also have a soothing effect and no side effects. It will calm your wolf and heal you faster' I said.

'Thank you sebastien.' Bella said with a smile.

Again she said my name. I had to control myself and my wolf. I just sighed and looked away to calm myself down. There was something I needed to get off my chest.

'I am sorry.' I said to her. 'Sorry?' she asked me. 'Yeah. About that.....that night in your pack in that room, I shouldn't have done that.' I said to her.

Taking a deep breath I said,'I shouldn't have kissed you like that. I just kept on thinking something else and wasn't in my right mind. I shouldn't have done that. I am really sorry.' I said to her.

'Its okay.' she said keeping a hand on my shoulder. 'No it's not. I should respect you. I realize that. I shouldn't have touched you.' I said to her and got up while she was still sitting.

'And thank you.' I said to her. 'For what?' she asked. 'Even with the position we both were in, you still took care of the pack as your own, I realized that today. Thank you very much.' I said.

'It was no problem. Actually Sebastien....' she said. 'Those bandages  on the medicinal paste,remove them tomorrow morning, your wounds will be gone and we will also discuss about Marcus . He will be here anytime and also your father will come as well, then you can go.' I said to her and I felt hurt inside.

'Yeah Sebastien..' she said. 'We should sleep. It's getting late.  You need to rest. Goodnight.' I said to her.

She nodded back and we left the pack office. She went to her room and I went to mine. While entering her room she once again said my name and my wolf howled.

'Mate was trying to say something.' my wolf said. 'I know...' I said to him. 'Then why did you cut her.' he asked me. 'Because after such difficulties we have formed a bond of trust at least. I don't want to ruin by hoping for something else and something more. I will get hurt and she is going to leave anyways.' I said to him in a sad voice.

I went to sleep on my bed again and looked at her photograph one last time. I kissed it and said,'All that matters to me after blood moon is you. You are safe and happy, so am i, my brave,badass mate.' I said smiling.

Closing my eyes I fell asleep cheering the little time I got with her.

But right now my only main focus was Marcus. I am going to destroy him now.

Don't worry mom, dont worry Bella.

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