Chapter 26

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Sebastien's pov

I was in the training arena today. I was doing an extensive routine that required my full concentration and my dedication. It was hard but I had slowly mastered it.

After I was done I went to take a shower and went downstairs to the pack office to get everything ready. Aloha Caleb's pack was coming today and today was also the day Bella would go back to her pack.

'Dont be bothered by it.' I kept telling myself even if my wolf Jared kept complaining.

I finally arranged everything. Now I just had to ask Bella when her family was coming. I went upto her room and knocked on her door and  She opened it.

'Can I talk with you?' I asked her. 'Sure. Come inside.' she said. 'So,what was it?' she asked closing the door.

'Are your wounds healed now?' I asked her. 'I think they are.' she said. I took off her bandages holding back while feeling the sparks I got while touching her skin.

'We are in her room. She is sitting on her bed.'  my wolf said. 'Shut up.' I whispered in my head. 'There. They are gone.' I said to her while throwing her bandages in a dustbin.

'Thanks a lot Sebastien.' she said while smiling. 'No need to thank me. I already told you. Best friends,remember.' I said to her.

'So, when is your pack coming? Any communication with them.' I asked her. 'Yeah. They will arrive later today.' she said coming and standing near me.

'I saw your routine today. Pretty impressive. I have tried it several times and it is pretty hard to master.' she said. 'Thanks, but I still wouldn't beat you, best warrior alpha bella.' I said. 'No need to flatter me.' she said. 'i actually love to do that.' I said while moving away from the place I was standing in.

But she tried to do the same thing and moved at the same time and somehow we both tripped.

She screamed and I tried to hold her and we both ended up falling on her bed together with me on top of her.

Everything was do sudden that I was shocked for a minute but then realised the position we both were in. Sparks were igniting throughout my body and my heart was beating fast looking at her. She was staring at me as well.

I closed my eyes and was about to get up but she suddenly held my hand and slowly put her hand behind my neck. My wolf howled out loud.

Unable to hold myself back now I leaned down and my lips connected with hers.

It all soon turned into a makeout session and my hands were still wrapped tightly around her waist and her were around my shoulder. It all felt like a dream but it was real, so real.

We both were fighting for dominance as our tongues battled with each other while my one hand was busy playing with her hair. It seemed like hours after I felt that she was running out of breath. I wanted more and started kissing her neck. While doing that the spot came where my mark as a mate would go and my canines popped out.

That was when I realised what I was doing with her. SHIT!

I suddenly stopped. I took a deep breath and forced my canines to go back in. I looked up at her and stared into her eyes. She seemed confused as well.

I slowly unwrapped my hands which were around her and immediately got up from the bed running my hands through my hair in frustration.

'Sebastian' Bella said getting up as well and came to stand near me. 'I am so so sorry Bella. I ......we should have not, was a moment of weakness, I promise something like this will not happen again.' I said to her.

'What?' she asked me. 'Bella, I mean, as mates this attraction is mutual but even if accidently I realise I should not take advantage of it. I am so sorry. I will not come in your room again. We will discuss everything in my office from now on.' I said to her.

'That is not what I meant sebastien.You don't have to apologise.' Bella said. I stopped dead  in my tracks speechless. It was high time now that I spoke how I felt to her. I just wanted to let it all out.

'Everytime I apologise Bella, it's not only you I am apologising to, I apologise to myself as well because I am sorry that I will never have my mate by my side.' I said to her going near her.

'Ever since I turned eighteen, I yearned for a mate. Becoming an alpha with the tag of my father's blood was not easy. At all. Everyone questioned, everyone judged, except for my mom of course. But still I wanted someone in my life who loved me unconditionally. A girl who would listen to me, hear me out, who I would listen to, take care of me, who would look out for me. Someone willing to stand for me as strongly as I would stand for her. Someone's hand to hold in mine who would in front of the entire world, would not be unhappy to introduce me as her other half.

I waited for my mate. I was so so happy to meet you but then you were my Pack's alien enemy's daughter. My father's blood was the curse which would never allow me to have a mate. To experience that love, companionship, anything of that sort. I don't blame you Bella, I don't blame you at all. Your thoughts are justifiable. Your mom was literally kidnapped by my father. Of course romantic feeling for me was something hard for you to have. If I was in your place I would have rejected myself at the first glance.

I understand everything Bella, I try to. But every single time I see you going away, my heart aches, I try not to show it, I am an alpha, alphas are strong but it really does ache Bella .

And right now the kiss we shared.

It will forever be imprinted in my mind but when you will go away again my hopes will shatter again and my heart will ache again because that true chance with you is something I will never get and at the end of the day I will be in room alone again because of the curse that runs through my blood.' I said to her and wiped that foreign tear felling from my eye.

'I love you Bella. I can't help it. Not now not ever. I will try to be your best friend but till the end I will hope for more.' I said regaining my composure.

'Seb.' Bella said making me feel surprised. She slowly walked towards me and took her hand in mine. Coming near me she leaned to kiss me once again. It surprised me a lot but I closed my eyes and took the lead.

She looked at me once again and was about today something.

That was when a terrible wave invoked my alpha senses suddenly alerting me as well as her.

'Marcus!' I whispered and we are rushed to the battlefield.

I was in full alpha mode but the one question in the back of my mind was,'What is exactly Bella thinking?'

'Forget about that.' I scolded my wolf. 'Are you ready to end Marcus?' I asked him.

'Lets finish his chapter once and for all!' my wolf said and I transformed into my wolf. So did Bella, my beta and all of my warriors.

Marcus, be ready for your end.

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