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Kitty's Birthday

After getting caught, Red has tried to keep a closer eye on Lana and Hyde

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After getting caught, Red has tried to keep a closer eye on Lana and Hyde. He was a little more calm when Lana told him that they were actually dating and not just sleeping with each other. But the whole situation was pretty uncomfortable.

"Wow, Hyde. I can't believe it. Your own set of wheels." Donna said impressed, as everyone gathered in the driveway, while Kelso fixed something in the engine

"Yep. She is the second best thing that ever happened to me." Hyde said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around Lana

"The first is that one time Kelso swallowed that fishhook." Lana laughed,

"That was pretty cool too." Hyde laughed too

"Yeah, that was one magic trick I could never get right." Kelso nodded

Eric chuckled after checking out the car, "All right, Hyde,this car is fine...but, I mean,it's no Vista Cruiser.How many miles you getting' to the gallon?"

Hyde shrugged, "about 11."

"Damn! Okay, fine.But, you know, the Vista Cruiser can seat eight-nine if someone sits on the stain." Eric pointed out

"Yeah, okay, Forman, but do you have any many chicks I can fit in the flatbed? Thirty-two. And that's with Big Rhonda!" Hyde smirked

"Ohh, That's why you measured me" Lana said as she finally understood

"Damn!" Eric yelled in defeat

Jackie suddenly gasped, "Eww!"

Carolina and Fez came out from the car, "Oh, hello."

"Disinfect that car if you ever want me to go in it again" Lana said to Hyde as he nodded in response.

"What are you doing back there, Fez? "Hyde asked as they walked over to the group

Fez stammered "L- I was- I was just showing Caroline the back of my new car and my tongue."

"Fez, this isn't your car." Kelso reminded him

"Yeah. Foreigners can't drive here unless it's a cab." Jackie rudely said

"We'll talk about why that is offensive later" Lana said while she shook her head at the ignorant statement

"Shut up." Fez whispered to Jackie to get her to be quiet

"Isn't he cute?" Caroline gushed, " Fezzie, I told you. You don't have to try and impress me anymore. I'm your girlfriend now."

"I'm sorry, Caroline. From now on, I will be totally honest" Fez promised

"Good. Now, come on, walk me home."

"Ah, yes. And on the way, I can tell you about the time I killed a shark with a coconut." Fez said, which Lana wasn't totally sure if he was lying over not

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