Chapter 9

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I found myself hiding in the bathroom down the hall from my dormroom. I hadn't intended to hide when I came in here, but that's what happened. I was so mortified about everything that had just occurred. With John. With Marc.

I didn't know what to think. Marc kissed me. Me!

I had been fairly certain he was straight. Clearly, whatever he was, he wasn't out yet. He told me not to tell anyone I kissed him.

Unless he was embarrassed because it was me he kissed. He was popular and athletic. Why would he ever be interested in me? Because I made a fool of John? Was that the only reason he thought he liked me? I wasn't that person! I regretted giving John the wrong notecards as soon as it happened!

The bathroom door opened and I tried to make as little noise as possible. I was in one of the stalls, but I didn't want anyone realizing I was in here hiding. I hadn't expected anyone to come in here now, since dinner was being served. Maybe someone had finished eating early.

I listened to his footsteps, expecting him to go right over a urinal. Instead, his steps came toward me and the other stalls. I held my breath, hoping he'd choose a different stall than the one I was in and that he'd be quick.

Instead, he yanked on the door of my stall. It was locked, but the sudden movement startled me and I was unable to keep myself from letting out a small squeak.

I immediately covered my mouth with my hands, very embarrassed. I stared at his shoes just under the door. Did he not hear my squeak? Does he not realize I was in here?

The door shook again, like he really wanted to come in.

"Occupied," I said, softer than I intended, but loud enough for him to hear. I hoped, at least.

"Pipsqueak, open the damn door!"

I could have sworn I forgot how to breathe.

John was here. John found me. There was no one else around. No witnesses. No Marc and his promises to protect me.

Suddenly, with one more shove from John, the lock slipped free of its feeble hold. The door loudly banged against the wall. He stood in the small doorway, very clearly angry.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I'm so sorry."

I was huddled in the corner, next to the toilet, wishing I had the ability to curl up into a tiny ball. Or maybe the ability to teleport, which would prove much more useful in my current situation. Either way, I'd appreciate any power that could possibly magic its way into me, as long as I'd be able to use it to save my own life. Sadly, that would never happen.

"You know," John said, crossing his arms over his chest, "You're more clever than I first realized."

"Oh?" I squeaked.

He took a step closer to me, stepping all the way into the stall. I pushed my back even harder against the wall. There was no way out. This is how I died.

"I'm not mad at what you did. In fact, I think it was pretty genius." He lowered his arms to his sides. "That's why I'm not going to do anything to you. Instead, you're going to do something for me, to make up for embarrassing me."

I suddenly felt extremely nauseous. I had a feeling whatever he was going to make me do was not something I'd enjoy. It would probably be public embarrassment, but on a much larger scale. My first week at school and I've stood up to John and was made a completely fool by him, all in the same day. Nobody would ever want to talk to me.

Maybe I should start looking to transfer for my senior year.

Or maybe I could transfer now. It was only the first week of school. I could catch up somewhere else.

Then John reached for his pants. "You like dick, right?" The next thing I knew, his pants were around his ankles and I was staring at a very prominent bulge in his briefs. "Suck it."

Now I really felt like I was going to throw up.

I shook my head so quickly that my glasses started slipping down my nose. I pushed them back up, but a bit too forcefully, almost poking myself in the eye. I was such an anxious mess. How could he do this to me?

"Are you saying you don't want me?" John asked, taking another small step closer. "I've seen you looking."

"I've never-" I gasped out. My breathing was coming out in short puffs. I felt like I was going to pass out. Pass out or throw up. Either option was not good. "Please don't."

"You're a virgin?" he asked. "Well, shit. Guess I should have expected that from you, pipsqueak."

"I'm not!" I hadn't meant to say that as loud as I did, but I didn't want him labeling me as something that wasn't true. Just because I was only sixteen and sort of a nerd didn't mean I hadn't had sex before. But this was an entirely different situation.

"I really thought you wanted me."

"Not like this," I said, shaking my head. "I don't want to be raped."

My voice was tiny, barely coming out above a whisper. But he heard me anyway. His eyes widened when I finished speaking and he quickly pulled up his pants.

"I'm sorry," he said softly. "I never meant to come across like I'd do that to you."

I took a shaky breath. "How else was I supposed to take it?" I felt like I was going to cry. Too many emotions were fighting each other in my mind. I didn't know what to do.

John shook his head. He actually looked remorseful, which isn't something I expected him to be capable of. "I'm so sorry, Spencer. I..." He took a deep breath, staring at the floor between us. "For some reason, I like you. But I've never really liked a guy like this before. Guys usually like things rougher like that. I'm sorry."

I didn't say anything. All I could hear was John saying 'I like you' over and over again. I wasn't special. I was just me. Why would he ever like me?

It was a long moment with neither of us speaking before John turned and walked out of the bathroom. I instantly felt my body relax once the door closed behind him.

What was I going to do about him? Or Marc? They both came on to me today. Was it something I did? Were they just pulling a prank on me? That would require them working together though, and I doubted that was possible. But if it was to mess with me, then I guess anything was possible.

The bathroom door opened again and I froze, expecting John to come back. But it was some kid I didn't know.

I took a deep breath and walked out of the stall and right out of the bathroom. I didn't know where I was going but, no matter what happens, I couldn't stay hiding in a bathroom stall forever.

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