Chapter 31

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The next couple days were a complete disaster. The plan for moving included separating each grade level into a single day.

The freshmen went first and, from what we heard, it went really poorly. Since all the freshmen stayed in one building, the halls were packed and the elevator even broke down a couple times.

At the end of the day, Headmaster Redmond called for an emergency assembly. He apologized to everyone, saying their well-worked plan didn't turn out as effective as they all expected. For the rest of us, we wouldn't be moving anywhere until after the Thanksgiving break, so that they can come up with a new system.

"I've also had a numerous amount of students asking to stay in their current rooms," Headmaster Redmond was saying.

I snapped my head up off John's shoulder, suddenly paying way more attention than I had been a minute ago. Marc squeezed my hand gently.

"With the extra time," Redmond continued, "it seems like we'll be able to keep those of you who'd requested it where you currently are. Those of you who still want to move, we will be able to work things out with each of you so that you are comfortable with your new room assignment. I don't want to delay fixing this problem any longer, but I made this decision to be able to make as many of you as happy as possible."

I looked back and forth between my boyfriends, unable to keep the smile off my face. They were smiling, too. We get to stay! It was the best news we'd heard all week.

When the assembly finally ended, the three of us were heading back to our room to start unpacking (and maybe let ourselves get distracted...), when a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I turned to see TJ standing there, smiling probably as wide as I was.

"Isn't this great news?" he asked me.

I nodded slowly, confused. "Why are you so happy? I thought you wanted to move?"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me away from John and Marc. "You like living with them, right? Like a lot?"

"Yeah, of course."

He glanced around like he was making sure no one was in earshot before whispering, "I kinda want to ask if Austin would want to live with me."

His face turned bright red and I couldn't help but laugh. "What's going on with you two, anyway? I feel like I haven't had the chance to really ask you about that, yet."

His blush got even deeper. "He may have kissed me last night."

"Yeah?" I exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Before he even answered, I remembered that he did text me last night, asking if I was doing anything. I didn't see the text until this morning, considering I had been busy with Marc and John pretty much all night.

"Okay, sorry," I said. "But tell me everything! Are you guys officially together now or what?"

He shrugged. "I don't really know what we are yet. And I'm worried that maybe I'm not that great of a kisser? He's the first guy I've ever kissed, so it was probably bad. I haven't talk to him yet today."

I was excited for him to have gotten his first kiss, but I was also worried he might be jumping into something with Austin a little too fast. Dating your roommate doesn't work out for everyone. Just because it seemed to be working for me, doesn't necessarily mean it'll work out for TJ and Austin, especially because they've only ever shared one kiss.

But I trusted TJ's judgement. If he wanted to ask Austin about living together, than who was I to stop him?

"Would Redmond even allow it?" I asked, the thought suddenly occuring to me. "What about whoever Austin is supposed to live with? Or currently lives with?"

TJ shrugged again. "I haven't thought that far ahead."

I glanced over my shoulder at Marc and John. They were talking to Marc's friend Taylor and another guy on the football team that I didn't know.

Part of me felt bad that we were staying together while their original roommates have to get shuffled around. But I know they wanted to stay, too. I shouldn't feel guilty if it wasn't my fault. We all wanted this.

I looked back at TJ. "I really think you need to talk to Austin about it all." Just as I said that, I noticed Austin walking over toward us. "Here's your chance. Good luck."

Austin stepped next to TJ, smiling at both of us. "Hey guys! How's it going?"

"I'm doing good," I said quickly. "But I actually have to go. I'll talk to you later, okay TJ?'"

He nodded and I left the two of them alone to talk. Hopefully TJ would have the courage to ask Austin everything that was on his mind.

I walked over to my boyfriends and Marc immediately put his arm over my shoulders. I leaned into his side, half-heartedly listening to their conversation that had something to do with the upcoming championships.

I was glad no one on the team was giving them a hard time about our relationship. I pretty much made them come out for me, so I'd feel so incredibly guilty if coming out caused too many problems.

My phone started ringing in my pocket and I pulled it out, unsure who'd be calling me. I nearly forgot how to breathe when I saw "Mom" pop up across the screen. She never calls me, not even to check in to see how I was doing. It had to be a mistake.

So I declined the call.

I continued to stare at my phone for another few seconds, almost as if I was waiting for her to call back. I wasn't sure if I wanted her to or not. If she did, then something had to be wrong.

As I was giving up waiting and putting my phone back in my pocket, it rang again. She was calling back. Something was definitely wrong.

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