Chapter 26

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Ever since Marc and John came out, I felt like things were different. And not just in a all-three-of-us-are-dating-each-other kind of way. It was more that people were talking about us now. A few times, I'd been asked if it was true, which, when I answered 'yes', was always followed by 'how'd you manage that?' or 'I thought they hated each other'. I was even asked how big their dicks are and which one of them was bigger. But it was TJ who asked, so I never actually answered him, only swatting him away from me like a bug.

To be honest, I still hadn't seen either of them naked yet, even though it had been almost a week since we officially became a thing. Of course I wanted to, but part of me was worried about getting into another situation like what happened with Jordan. I knew they'd never do that to me, and they'd proved multiple times that they would come out to the school. Everyone knows now. But a tiny part of my brain still thought that once I gave myself to them, they'd turn their backs on me and move on to someone else.

I was the kind of person that people forgot about. My whole life, I was the one who was left out or looked over or ignored, especially by my own family - the people who were supposed to always be there for me. Who's to say John and Marc wouldn't do the exact same thing and forget about me as soon as they were done with me?

Currently, we were eating dinner in the dining hall. Marc sat on my left and John was on my right. TJ sat directly in front of me. It was how we'd been eating all our meals since Monday. Five days of this and I think I was finally getting used to it.

"So," John said, breaking the silence that had fallen between the four of us. "It's Friday night."

Marc scoffed. "Looks like someone finally learned the days of the week."

I nudged Marc's side. As much as they've decided they liked making out with each other, they still bickered just as much as they did before. Usually, it had been turning into a lot of sexual jokes and indeunos, though, which made the whole dynamic in the room different. Not that I was complaining about that.

"Are you sure you guys like each other?" TJ asked. I kicked him under the table. "Oww. What? It was a serious question."

Instead of letting the conversation get completely sidetracked, I turned to John. "What are you thinking? For tonight?"

I felt like I didn't want to know the answer, even though I asked. Or, I'd want to know, just not in the middle of the dining hall.

"Well, there's no classes tomorrow," he said with a smile. "And that means you don't have to spend all night doing all your homework. So maybe we can have some fun tonight, is all I'm suggesting."

I'm sure my face turned bright red as I felt it heat up. Did he really have to say that here, of all places? Or so loudly? I knew I shouldn't have asked.

"We have the LGBT meeting tonight," TJ said, reminding me that he was still sitting at our table and heard everything John just said.

I looked at him with disbelief. Did he think I forgot about it? Okay, maybe I did, but so what? I didn't have to go to every meeting. It's not like they counted attendance.

"There's a meeting for that?" John asked.

Marc scoffed again. "How can you attend this school forever, be into guys, and not know there was a club?"

John shrugged. "Guess I never really thought about it. Not that I even needed a club to tell me where the gay guys were. I got plenty of that all on my own."

TJ's mouth dropped open. "Hold up, what?" he exclaimed. "Spencer wasn't your first guy? Why didn't I know this?"

He looked at me when he asked that last question, so I shrugged. "Wasn't my business to tell."

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