The Ex-boyfriend

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Y/n P.O.V~

The black and silver coin flipped in the air a couple of times before falling to the ground. The currency slammed onto the ground, making it bounce up and down a couple of times up and down on the ground before landing, not on heads or tails, entirely on its side.

Y/n:" It didn't land on heads or tails. So who wins?"

Dark Y/n:" I'm not sure."

Y/n:" Well, since we both didn't win, but we both didn't lose either, maybe we could comprise?"

Dark Y/n:" Well, what do you have in mind?"

Y/n:" Well, how about I ask to use your powers, and you have to ask to use my body?"

Dark Y/n:" Yeah, that seams fare, but do I have to ask to use your body?"

Y/n:" Yes, it's my body, after all."

Dark Y/n and I finished our agreement as I exited wherever the hell Dark Y/n lived and went to sleep.

* Two-week time skip*

I walked to school with a smile on my face for two reasons. I told Yuno about everything with dark Y/n and how he helped save her. However, Yuno still said that I was responsible since I was the one that found her. She didn't stop our friendship, which was great. I was afraid that she would not want to be friends anymore now that I have another personality living inside me, and there was a new horror movie coming out that I was incredibly hyped to see. I had even preordered tickets and got some of the best seats in the theater just for it. My mobile phone began to ring and vibrate, singling that someone was calling me. I reached into my pocket and answered the call.

Y/n:" Hello?"

It was my friend who was going to see a horror movie with me.

Y/n:" Hey, dude, what's up?"

My friend quickly answered the question, but the answer made me incredibly angry.

Y/n:" What do you mean! You can't go with me!? I reserved some of the best seats in a theater!"

My friend answered, saying that his parents had grounded him and that he couldn't. My friend quickly apologized.

Y/n:" *sigh* It's alright, man. I'll find someone else to go with me."

My friend quickly said, "okay," and we hung up on each other, ending the call. I grumbled and looked down, I had preordered two tickets, and now that I was going alone, I essentially wasted money, making me frustrated. "Hopefully, things would be better when I get to school," I said to myself.

Yuno P.O.V~

I sat at my desk, drawing a picture of Y/n and I together sitting on a bench. Ever since Y/n had saved me, my feelings for him had skyrocketed, especially when I gave him that kiss when he was sleeping. I wanted to hug him to kiss him to protect him and make him mine; I had almost liked him as much as I did Yuki when we did date, but that's not important today, I was going to confess to him finally. Y/n walked into the classroom, looking quite glum and sat down in his seat and looking down.

Yuno:" Something wrong, Y/n?"

Y/n:" *sigh* Yeah, I'm fine. I just preordered some movie tickets, and the friend I was going to go with can't come, so I feel like I have wasted money."

I slightly blushed as I thought an idea.

Yuno:" Well, I could go with you if you wanted to~?"

I smiled as Y/n put his hand on his chin cutely as he thought about my offer.

Yuno Gasai x Male reader x Ayano AishiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ