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W O R K  F O R  M E

(I edited this but also I was really lazy so point out nay mistakes lol)

J U N E  1 9 9 8

"Oh my god I actually hate you..." I mumble in frustration to my dad, who seems to truly have the hardest time stocking shelves.

"You have to keep certain brands together, or else when somebody goes to buy two bags of the same chips they will get one bag of Funyuns and another bag of Cheetos and then be fucking confused." I say, just beginning to fix up and scold him about his ginormous mistake which runs across the entire shelf.

"But I want it to be pretty and we don't have an equal amount of all the chips...." my dad whines, pouting sadly.

I roll my eyes.

"I get it, but you own a store. How-?"

"Stop making fun of me!!!" He complains defensively, a pout on his face as he throws a mini tantrum and I laugh. It's before our opening at 8, so it's around 7:30.

The bell on the door rings, and I don't look over to check as I restock shelves. "We're closed!" I say, leaning up to the highest shelf where we put boxes to restock, but I can't reach it, even with my height.

My dad shuffled over to another box on the ground at the edge of the aisle, planning to get those, but I don't hear the bell ring again, signaling that the man has left.

I go to turn my head to the man, but a body travels behind me, their stomach against my back as they reach up and grab the box easily.

I huff, grabbing the box of chips and quickly turning to slap the man. He growls when my hand makes contact with his cheek, and once I see him look up at me my eyebrows furrow.

"Leave. Now. That was so massively inappropriate!" I huff, holding the box of chips protectively in front of me.

His hair was hanging lowly as he growls, holding his face with his hand, his arm covered in tattoos. One tattoo is in typewriter like text, saying "bite me."

"Jesus..." he mumbles squinting his eyes at me.

My dad looks over, his eyebrows raised from my scene. "She said to leave, boy. Leave. I have the right refuse customers! Especially when I'm not even open!"

The man looks in between me and my dad with a scowl, before turning to me and roughly grabbing my jaw.

It wasn't like Royce does, where it's gentle and the feeling of his hand on my skin makes my stomach clench and my heart beat fast.

It was rough, and full of clear and pure annoyance towards me. "I'm Sebastian. Royce's only thing close to a friend, so while he's over at foster homes he told me to tell you he's picking you up at 6. While I'm here, can I please buy an energy drink and a pack of smokes?" He asks, looking around with fluffy black hair.

I furrow my brows and turn to my dad. "Deal with him." I mumble, ripping his hand off of mine and scowling at him.

He was creepy...

Why was somebody as perfect as Royce, "Close" with him....

Fuck pervs.

But... Royce is coming at 6...

Oh my god Royce is coming over again!!!

Truly on the inside I'm squealing, but since Mr. Sebastian is still here, I can't do so out loud.

He buys a pack of smokes and an energy drink, my dad crushing the cigarette box a little, which I'm assuming was purposeful. We have great customer service here if you couldn't tell...

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