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Alex's pov:


When I pulled up in front of my house, I saw my father sitting on the steps of our front porch, still wearing his business suit, trying to keep himself occupied and somewhat entertained with his phone. I sighed, seriously? The doghouse?

Not again.

I hopped out of the car and made my way over to him.
My dad was anything but a typical middle-aged businessman, he's a few inches taller than me and sports a lightly trimmed beard. Despite his tough exterior, he is soft at heart, he looks a lot younger than his age because mom takes care of his health, but mostly because he behaves like a kid.

When he spotted me he raised an eyebrow at my messed up clothes and assumed "Partied a little too hard did we?"

As I walked closer he held up his hand for a high-five while a wide grin settled on his face, I rolled my eyes at him before obliging and then corrected his assumption "FYI, Dad I was out for job hunting."

"So... I take it you've been hired as a janitor," he said laughingly.

I gave him the 'not amused' look and said sarcastically "love how much faith you have in me."

"Always," he played along.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

He looked around dramatically, "I live here?" his reply sounded like a question.

"On the front porch?" I deadpanned.

He frowned exaggeratedly "I'm afraid so..."

"What, why?" was my cleverly analysed response.

"Just your mom wouldn't let me come in" he complained. "I've been banished from entering my own chambers."

"For good reason, I believe" I crossed my arms, knowing his track record well enough. "But why? What blunder was it this time?"

"I came back from a party and I guess I'm a little late," he said while lightly scratching the back of his head.

If I remember correctly he was supposed to return last night. I checked my wristwatch and noted that it was now around 3:30 in the afternoon. I gave my dad a pointed look and incredulously asked: "You think?!"

"I fell asleep after the party, and woke up late and hungover." Yeah, that was his reason. I know, it sucks.

Well, it's better late than never.
I shook my head and muttered, "What would you do without me?"

I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door. Dad doesn't have one cause well, mom obviously confiscated it and if she saw me helping him, I would be homeless too. I looked out at the front yard...the lawn looks comfortable enough, just in case I need backup.

Dad and I turned to each other with a finger placed on our lips 'silence'.

I pushed the door open and we entered quietly on our tiptoes. I waved at my dad and we both started speed-walking towards our own rooms.

"Alex! Rick!" A voice booms through the silence like an explosion. Mom stood there staring at the two of us, while we were not sure what to do. "Both of you stop right now!" she yelled, halting us both in our spots.


Oh, oh! Shit! We did not think this through, dad and I exchanged looks of anxiety clearly at a loss as to what should be done until dad decided to throw me under the bus.

Employed Epoch Of Alex Brook | Book 1| Humor-Romance (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now