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Alex's POV;


It was only after I returned to the safety of my own office, the reality of what I've done finally dawned on me.

Oh no no no no!

What have I done? What have I done?!!! What the hell was I thinking?

Kate is gonna kill me! She's gonna kill me, she's gonna make it an extremely slow and excruciatingly painful one.

Maybe I should change my name, dye my hair green and move to Mars to save myself from the tragic consequences of her wrath.

I couldn't focus on my work, my mind seemed to always pull me somewhere other than what I was working on.

A few hours passed and I was conflicted about whether I should sort out Nick and comfort him or if I should leave him alone.

Kate chose to walk into my office at that precise moment and I almost dropped my phone in a panic.

How am I gonna tell her what blunder I caused, and not only that but also about my unsure job status. Oh god kill me!

She was visibly upset and angry. Guess her 'talk' didn't really work out so well.

"That Bastard, he looked so smug I wanted to punch him too. I totally understand why Nick did." Kate fumed.

"I always thought he was bitter, but I never thought he was this bad." I'm usually better at reading people, but then again, maybe he's not a jerk to everyone, just a selected few, and that was somehow worse.

"I wish there was something I could do." Kate mumbled. The only thing we could do now was to be with him and support him.

"Come on Kate..." I said "Let's go see Nick" he probably needs us right now.

We both walked to his cabin and saw him putting his stuff in a big cardboard box. Carrie was there too, by his side and it was evident that we were all feeling pretty helpless.

A sad frown took over my face. Kate walked up to his side and offered him a small smile and Carrie left since she had a lot of work and a quick approaching deadline.

"Oh c'mon... I'm not dying" he says, trying to lighten up the mood but it didn't really work. Instead, Kate slapped his arm hard and he cradled it over-dramatically.

I curiously reached out to pick up a small photo frame that he had just placed inside the box. It was a picture of a little girl, she was grinning cutely at the camera with two of her front teeth missing.

"My niece...Lily" he explains with a fond, entirely genuine smile on his face.

"She's cute" I muttered, placing the picture back in the box. She might have him wrapped around her little finger.

The box even held a miniature tree and I turned to give Nick an incredulous look "A bonsai?"

"What? I like plants and a-art..." he defends himself weakly.

"Is this the reason you like... disappear every day for half an hour?" I asked, already sure of it.

"No..." he denied.

Kate jumped into the conversation "Yes you do, I saw you once watering the plant and taking care of it...you even talk to it!"

"Is it a crime to have Wreny?" He exclaimed, defensively. Please tell me he did not name it!

Employed Epoch Of Alex Brook | Book 1| Humor-Romance (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now