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Chapter 4: I GOT THIS!


Alex's POV;


This day had seemed so far away when I got that call for an interview, but it was so much in-my-face today, it's impossible to overlook.

My easy-going, laid-back attitude was quickly thrown out of the window as I neared the address. The huge building towered over me, daunting as it stood with its head among the clouds. 'Signature Heights' written in bold were engraved on a wall at the entrance gate.

In a hurry, I parked my car in the nearest available parking space and entered the building on shaky legs. The interior was just as nice as the outside and it did not in the slightest ease the daunting fear that enveloped me.

I swallowed the lump that seemed to rise in my throat and walked towards the reception as I forced myself to smile. "Hy, I'm here for the job interview..."

The receptionist instantly understood what I was talking about and soon I was directed towards a waiting room on the seventh floor, where I was left with my thoughts to drown in my anxiety. I neared a chair in the lounge area and settled myself in it.

The soft clicking of heels on the polished granite floor was a constant reminder of other people's presence, and I looked down at my feet clad in white Nike sneakers rethinking my choice.

'This is crazy. Why the heck am I second-guessing myself?' I forced myself to take deep breaths and willed my heart rate to calm down, but it was near impossible for my body to relax, my shoulders were locked, tensed as my eyes darted across the length of the room.

Few other candidates were with me in the same place, all men and women in their perfectly cut suits and with a mask of professionalism. All my insecurities were throwing a huge party right now and there was hardly anything I could do to gather myself.

The seriousness of the situation was far too evident, and also the fact that I had a really slim chance at this job. Even though in the last few days Kate had helped me understand the inner workings of this company to better prepare myself for today, I was still very doubtful.

It wasn't at all surprising that these people were eager to join this company, the little bit of research that I did yesterday to prep myself was enough to clear my doubts about the company's thriving status and its well-defined focus.

Signature Heights was well rounded and highly successful, their business had reached out to many thriving industries but their main focus was real estate development and airlines.

I doubted my past internships and jobs experiences were enough to back me up for a job of such a high calibre. Plus I had a gaping two years gap in my resume, I doubt they'll be happy about that.

The leather file I held in my hands started escaping my grip, as my fingertips were now moist with sweat, I held on tighter.

Names were called, people trickled in and out of the interview hall, the clock ticked on, and my nerves refused to settle.

"Alexandra Brook?"

Someone said, and immediately had my attention, I looked up and blinked at the middle-aged women who smiled at me kindly.

"Yes." my voice came out stronger than I felt.

"Whenever you're ready," she said and I stood up to walk towards the door of the interview room.

'I'm not ready.' my thoughts were safely bottled to myself.

My throat was closing in on itself and I desperately wished for a glass of water, but pushing all these thoughts away I steeled my resolve and reached my hand forward towards the doorknob.

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