▲ Reading/Understanding People ▲

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Maintain objectivity and an open mind when assessing others. Avoid allowing your emotions and past experiences to cloud your judgment. Quick judgments can lead to misinterpretations. Approach interactions and situations with neutrality and openness to accurately read people.

Observing someone's appearance can provide valuable insights. Notice their attire—does it suggest ambition or comfort? Look for symbols like pendants, which may reveal spiritual values. Pay attention to identity claims, such as slogans on t-shirts or tattoos, as they offer clues about a person's self-expression.

Observing someone's posture can reveal insights into their attitude. A confident posture with head held high suggests self-assurance, while indecisive or cowering behavior may indicate low self-esteem. Pay attention to how individuals carry themselves as it can offer clues about their confidence level.

Body language often speaks louder than words, revealing a person's true feelings and intentions. Pay attention to their physical movements, such as leaning in or away, and the position of their hands. Leaning in and open, palms facing up, indicate engagement and connection, while closed-off gestures may suggest discomfort or disinterest.

Interpreting facial expressions can provide valuable insights into a person's emotions. Notice deep frown lines, which may indicate worry or overthinking. Genuine laughter is often accompanied by crow's feet—smile lines of joy. Pursed lips can signal anger, contempt, or bitterness, while a clenched jaw and teeth grinding suggest tension.

Observing people's eyes can reveal a lot about their inner emotions. Look for signs of caring or hostility in their gaze. Pay attention to pupil size, which can indicate what people like or find engaging.

Understanding the different types of smiles can provide insight into people's intentions and emotions:

1. Reward smile: Indicates positive feedback, with lips pulled directly upwards and dimples at the sides of the mouth. Eyebrows may also lift, conveying a sense of reward or satisfaction.

2. Affiliative smile: Signifies friendship and liking, characterized by pressing the lips together while creating little dimples at the sides of the mouth. This smile is often used to build social connections.

3. Dominance smile: Reflects a sense of dominance or superiority, with the upper lip raised, cheeks pushed upwards, and the nose wrinkled. There may be a deepened indentation between the nose and mouth, along with raised upper eyelids, signaling authority or assertiveness.

Embrace small talk as an opportunity to get to know the other person better. While it may feel uncomfortable at first, engaging in casual conversation allows you to observe their typical behavior, making it easier to identify any unusual or out-of-character actions later on.

Asking direct questions can help you get straightforward answers. Avoid vague inquiries and allow the person to respond without interruption, while observing their mannerisms and behavior for additional insight.

Trusting your gut instinct, especially when meeting someone new, can provide valuable insights into your initial reaction to them. This instinctual response often occurs rapidly, serving as a primal indicator of whether you feel comfortable or wary around the individual. According to Judith Orloff M.D., gut feelings act as your internal truth meter, signaling whether you can trust someone.

Noticing goosebumps during interactions can be significant as they often occur when we resonate with people who move or inspire us. Research suggests that these chills can be triggered by various stimuli, including music, emotionally stirring experiences, and even movies. Therefore, experiencing goosebumps while conversing with someone may indicate a deep emotional connection or resonance with their words or actions.

Sensing a person's presence involves being aware of the overall emotional atmosphere they create. Pay attention to whether their presence feels inviting and friendly, drawing you in, or if it feels closed off, causing you to retreat. This intuitive perception can provide valuable insights into the person's demeanor and how they may be feeling in the moment.

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