Chapter 18 - Safe and not so sound

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Popping up in an alley shrouded in darkness you look around fo any sign of your friends or any exterminators. Careful not to make any sound you see a tall shadow with wings pass the alley. Leaning up against the wall in full darkness you watch as the angel of death peer into the alley before shrugging and walking off.

"Guys?" You whisper once the coast was clear. You hear a rustle in the dumpster, lifting the lid you see the group cowering. Even Loona.

"Take him first!" Blitzo holds up Moxxie in fear.

"No!" He whimpers.

"Guys it's me," they look up with relieved eyes. Blitzo was the first to hug you tight.

"I guess there is god!" You hug back and help them out.

"Come on," you hold them tight and go to disapparate only for an exterminator to catch sight of you. As it charges towards you, you were all clouded in smoke before reappearing in front of the hotel barrier.

"Oh thank god!" Moxxie faints in millies arms as you all rush to the barrier. Creating a door you usher everyone in. Just as you were about to step through your hair was yanked as you were flung away from the door.

"Y/n!" The hotel inhabitants rush out to see you being approached by an exterminator which held a blade in its claws. Picking yourself off from the ground you stagger for balance and lean on your cane. Looking into the neon eyes of the celestial being your heart race picks up as everyone watched in fear. Knowing your death wouldn't be quick you did your best to deflect the angels fists hurdling toward you. It grins and upper cuts your jaw.

"Fuck!" Blitzo goes to help but Loona held him back. "We have to help!"

"You'll die!" She watches in horror as you were beaten and bruised. Getting up after every blow you summon your shadows for help, they did their best, restraining the exterminator long enough for you to run to the opening of the barrier. However, of course with its weapon at its disposal it slashed at your shadows and gained on you.

"Hurry up!" Charlie cried. It grabs a hold of your neck and holds you up, restraining your air flow. As it slams you to the ground it holds up its blade and slices at your skin. Screaming in pain, you look down at your slashed legs and arms. It raises its blade for one final strike only for the blade to be yanked out its hand and driven into its chest. A blinding light fills the space, making you shield your eyes from the intensity. The body drops to the ground as you look up to see Alastor with radio dials for eyes, static surrounding him.

"Al?" The Radio demon snaps out his trance and drops to your side.

"I should have gone with you," he mumbles, picking you up bridal style. You wince at the pressure against your leg and arm. "I know, I know," he comforts you as he rushes to the barrier, your shadows closing it behind once you were both inside. Everyone hurriedly follows Alastor into the hotel watching as he laid you on the couch.

"Y/n, you idiot," Millie hugs your head tight as you chuckle.

"I'm sorry," you mumble softly as you stroke her hand.

"Don't be sorry, young lady," she coos as you try to prop yourself upright.

"I got the medical kit," Niffty rushes in with said items and goes beside you. "Let's take her to her room," Alastor nods and lifts you up again before going to the elevator. Nurse Niffty was keeping a watch on the cuts to see if any more blood would seep out and stain the floor.

"Right here," Angel opens your bedroom door. Everyone seemed to disregard the very large room and instead focused on you.

"I think we should give her some space," Niffty agreed with Millie and helped her push everyone out the room. Soon all was left was Alastor and Angel. Alastor goes to reach for your glove only for you to take back your hand.

"We have to take off the glove, my dear," you look at Angel pleadingly.

"It's fine, he won't judge you, I can't do it because I don't know first aid," looking back worriedly at Alastor you let out a shaky breath before removing your glove. Holding your breath as he stared down at the stitches with a concerned glance, he soon moves onto the gash in your arm.

"This may sting," you bite down on your cheeks as you feel a burning sensation on your forearm. Glancing to the doll you gasp.

"Mama," you try to get up to comfort the doll but Angel pushes you down.

"I'll do it," you watch as Angel carefully collects your mother's tears. "I'll get some tea," when Angel places the vial down he leaves the room and quietly shuts the door. Silence passes over until Alastor speaks.

"I'm not sure what you're ashamed of, I think they're unique," he gestures to your stitches.

"They're disgusting," you mumble in embarrassment.

"They are no such thing," Alastor says sternly, he takes a single thread and needle form the kit and slowly stitches up the gash. Holding back a whimper you look away as he tries to distract you. "Is that why you covered your knees?" You give a soft nod as he ties a knot. Slowly he wrapped the gash with bandages and moved down to your leg. You help him take off your boot, he pays no mind to the stitches and instead gets to work on the injury.

"I'm sorry," you mumble quietly, avoiding to let out a hiss of pain.

"The only thing you have to be sorry for is not letting me come with you," his eyes kept on the stitching as you chuckle lightly.

"And for stopping your broadcast," you add making him grin.

"That can wait, we still have a full 12 hours," you sigh and look out the window.


Soft moments coming up my good sir

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Soft moments coming up my good sir

- Anna ❤️

Voodoo: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now