18. It's gonna be harder than they thought

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Short chapter and kinda crappy but I felt I needed to update

Question of the chapter:

What did you eat today?

When Jin said it was a busy day. He meant it was a busy day. They were up bright and early to practice for their next comeback. First, it was going over choreography. Then it was recording music. Then they had to do a performance on a talk show. Then they had a meeting about the new album. Now they had a meeting with PDogg since he was the main producer of BTS's songs.

When they got home jungkook slipped but yoongi really just wanted to sleep. Besides, he wasn't feeling little. As everyone was eating their quickly prepared dinner yoongi got up with a half empty plate and put it in the sink. "Hey wanna watch a movie with us before going to sleep?" Namjoon asked and yoongi shook his head "oh cmon. Why not?" "Because I don't want to be around you."

I mean they asked right? "Why can't you just trust us? We apologized." Jimin whined with a pout on his face. "Little yoonie does." He added obviously trying to guilt trip the older with those puppy dog eyes and sly comments.

"Yeah well, he's gullible. I'm not. It's actually going to take some work and not just a bowl of some damn ice cream." He snapped before walking away. "I mean he is right..." hoseok said and received death glares. Not wanting to be glared at any longer. Since it was making him uncomfortable, he ran away without clearing his spot at the table. Though instead of going to his room though he went to yoongi's.

"What?" Yoongi mumbled with his back facing the door while the door annoyingly creaked open. "If you're about to scold me then leave." "Can I sleep with you Hyung?" Hoseok asked ignoring the comments. "I guess." So he shut the door behind him and climbed into the bed. "Just for the record, I don't expect you to forgive us any time soon." He whispered and hugged yoongi's body tightly. To his surprise the yoongi didn't fight it. But sank into the others arms fitting perfectly against the other.

Hoseok went to sleep tho king about how brutal the next few weeks would be leading to the comeback.

Yoongi went to sleep thinking about how much of a screwup he was. How he was the worst member in the band.

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