Found (X Josh)

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A/U: Josh chose to starve instead of fall to the wendigo spirit.
Your POV

I was sitting on the living room couch of the Washington household praying. Praying my boyfriend, Josh, would be found. He was the only one of us who hadn't been found at the lodge and he everyone is thinking he's in the mines. It's been a week. Mr. and Mrs. Washington were in the kitchen talking softly. There was a knock at the door. Mr. Washington made his way to the door before opening it to see a police officer.

"Hello Mr. Washington, I have news, but you may want to sit down for this," The Officer said.

Mr. Washington called Mrs. Washington into the living room with me and we all took a seat.

"Is my son alive?" Mrs. Washington asked, holding back tears.

"We found your son. He was lost in the mines, wandering in a dazed state. The boy seemed starved and we immediately took him to the hospital. Upon further investigation and statements from his fellow survivors at the lodge we found... The bodies of Beth and Hannah Washington."

Mrs. Washington's breath hitched before she began to tear up. Mr. Washington pulled her into a hug before I turned to the officer.

"Is there any way I can see Josh now? I need to be sure he's okay."

The officer and I spoke for a while before she led The Washington's and I to the hospital Josh was in, then his room. I walked in and Josh was asleep with a handcuff keeping his right arm attached to the bed.

"Why is he handcuffed?" I asked.

"It's just to keep him from running, he seemed very frantic and untrusting of our officers."

"Can we uncuff him, I can get him to relax when he wakes up," I responded.

"We'll have an officer at the door and one in the room to keep him in his bed. He has lost a lot of weight and needs to eat."

I sat by his bed and sighed as they Uncuffed Josh. I laid my hand on his stomach and could feel it rising and falling slowly. I could feel his ribs slightly through his shirt. God he needs food. Josh began to wake up and jerked up, yelling.

"Where am I? Get me the fuck out of here!" He yelled.

"Josh! Josh! It's me! Breathe please," I attempted to calm him down.

Josh looked at me and his breath hitched. He pulled me in for a weak hug.

"I never thought I'd see you again," he murmured.

"Baby I missed you too but, Please lay down, you need food and water."

Josh laid back and took a deep breath before I pulled up some food and water for him. After he finished it I climbed into the bed with him and he rested his head on my chest. Josh clung to me and took a deep breath.

"I love you so much Joshie. Please never pull anything like this again."

"I promise. I don't know what I was thinking."

Author's Note: I kinda want to create a how everyone would react after Josh came back but idk. Tell me if you want it.

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