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Evie was standing on a cliff, her eyes closed. The moon was illuminating the dark forest and water. The sea under the rock was calm. The water was slowly waving, making a smoothing and relaxing sound. Evie loved that. It always calmed her down. She slowly inspired the fresh air, the breeze was softly brushing her face. She opened her brown eyes and looked at the sky. She sighed, a sigh filled with all the sadness, tiredness and anger that she was holding for months. In a few months, she would pass to her junior year. But she wasn't even thrilled at the idea. She was getting closer to graduation, to finally leave high school. Just two more year and no stupid class mate or annoying teachers. She would have been happy usual bu not now. It might be nothing to people to be able to pass a year, but not for Evie. It had been tought and difficult months. Her father died. She was so close to him. He was her role model. But he suddenly left during a hunting in the forest. She remembered perfectly that day. It was crystal clear. Evie was at the beach with some school friends. They were joking and laughing, talking about the future and their dreams when she received a call of her mother. She was crying, and crying, and crying. Evie never saw her mother in such state. It was making her panicking but her whole world fell apart when her mother told her. Evie would never forget her words.

"Evie... i-it's your father... he was hunting, but... but he was attacked a-and..." her mother managed to say between sobs.


"I'm sorry honey..."

Evie didn't know what her mother say after that. She slowly put down her hand down. It was like she couldn't hear anything. She couldn't feel anything. She was empty, numb. She then slowly stood up and walked out of the beach, ignoring the callings of her friends. She walked faster and faster until she she started running as fast as she could to her home. She burst into the house, crying. But there was nothing, no one. No mother, no sister, no brother... and no father. She tried to call her family but no one answered. She fell on her knee and cried until she fell asleep.

After that, nothing was the same. Seth and Leah started to grew distant with Evie. As the days passed, they started to stop talking to her. They were always busy, no having time for her. Then her mother joined the council of the Quileute tribe and it was the same. Ignoring Evie. A few weeks before, it was her friends Quil, Embry and Jacob that stopped hanging out with her for no reason. Evie thought that it would passed. But it never did. She was alone. She was abandoned. She was hurt. She cried and cried. So much that she now had no tears left to cry. All Evie wanted was her friends and family back. But it looked like it would never happen.

So here she was, standing in front of the water on a cliff. She was sad, tired and angry. She always had been and that for a year. But unless like some people, she exteriotized her anger by cliff diving. The rush of adrenaline in her veins, the wind on her face and the water on her skin. She loved that. But today, it wasn't the case. Evie didn't want to cliff dive. She was just tired of everything. Tired of her family, tired of her friends. Evie wamted to feel the rush of adrenaline but when she arrived at the cliff, she just felt nothing. So she turned around but as she was about to leave, she heard voices. They were coming from the beach underneath the cliff. On the sand was running and laughing a group of boy. At the back of the group was a girl walking and looking at them. They seemed to be enjoying their time there. Evie squinted her eyes and she recognized them. Sam's gang. When all of her friends and siblings started ignoring her, they joined him. Sam Uley. Evie didn't know what he did to them, but for Evie it was her fault. He was the reason of her life being an absolute hell.

She needed someone to held accountable.

Evie stayed there, looking at them for a few seconds. She felt betrayed once again. She used to be that happy with them before. Now, they seemed even closer than before. But without her. It hurt. A lot.

"What did I do to all of you... ?" Evie muttered to herself, hurt, before turning around and left.

Down the beach, one of the boys stop running and turned to the cliff. Jacob stared at the cliff for a few seconds. He swore that there was someone there.



Hello! Welcome to the universe of True Feelings. I always wanted to imagine Jacob with someone else other than Renesme or Bella. So, since I fell again for Twilight recently, I thought of writing a fiction (same with Edward, I wrote a book about him). I hope you'll like it! See ya!

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