Chapter 9

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"You know she'll end up coming here like the last time," Embry said as he, Jacob and Quil entered Sam's house. They were always together. The best of friends. Evie was on sitting on the couch and was on her cellphone. She had bought a new one - along with a new alarm clock - a few weeks ago. "Just talk to her,"

"I don't have anything to tell her," Jacob said as the three of them sat around the table. "Besides, she left with her leech. He better don't turn her." He muttered the last part.

"To whom?" Paul asked, making Quil chuckle.

"Did you just ask?" he said, making Paul roll his eyes.

"Bella keep calling him and he never answer," Embry explained.

"Of course it's about her," Leah muttered. Jacob obviously heard it and growled to her. Even though he didn't want to talk to Bella, he still cared a lot about her. Leah never liked Bella. She thinks that she was torturing Jacob. Besides the fact that she was dating a vampire. "You still so obsessed with her. Did you forget that you have an imprint? My sister?" she added bitterly, making Jacob growled at her even harder. Quil had to stop Jacob to stand up and fight Leah.

"Leah," Evie warned and looked at her sister with stern eyes. The older Clearwater only rolled her eyes. She never always had been like that. Leah never always had been an angry and bitter girl. She was joyful and caring but it was before Sam broke up with her suddenly after three years of relationship and then dated her cousin. She was hurt and becoming a shape-shifter didn't help at all. Leah - and the rest of the pack - knew about what Evie's and Jacob's relationship was: protectors. They were quite surprised at first. They thought that they would have feelings for each other. But looks like they didn't. Jacob was still in love with Bella and Evie seemed to hate everyone. Quil said she was becoming another Leah. However, the latter didn't like the fact that Jacob's mind was filled with Bella and almost only her. It was as if he cared more about the human than her sister. She didn't like that. Evie was supposed to be his number one priority. Not the vampire girl.

After that, they started talking about something else. As usual, Evie wasn't listening to them and was on her phone. After a moment, Seth sat next to Evie. He tried to talk to her but she would only hum-ed or answer shortly. Seth was trying to get closer to his sister again, but it was like she didn't want it. It pained him. But he thought that he deserved that to have abandoned her for a year.

"It's my fault..." he thought, sadly. Seth stopped talking and just listened to the other conversations.

When the night fell, Paul, Quil, Embry and Evie went to patrol. They were divided into two groups. Evie was with Embry. They were wandering in the woods in silence. Well, more like Evie was wandering in the woods in silence. Embry was talking with Paul and Quil through telepathy. They were mostly joking and laughing. The atmosphere was light. Evie wasn't listening to them, she was looking around the woods, scanning the area with her big wolf eyes. Every time she was patrolling, her mind was always blank or filled with images of nature. It was her way to block her thoughts. So, the other pack member never heard Evie's thought once. Embry and Evie were walking in the forest. It was dark but since they werewolves, they could see pretty well in the dark. Then, suddenly the two of them stopped. Evie's silvery fur spiked. A horrible scent filled their nostrils. Evie recognized it. She couldn't forget it.

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