Chapter 13

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"Are you sure we're welcomed here?" Quil asked Jacob as they stepped into the Cullens house. Evie and Embry were just behind them. A few days ago, Bella and the Cullens graduated from high school. They were about to step into adulthood. At least it was what humans were thinking. We all know it wasn't really the case. To celebrate their graduation, Alice Cullen, Edward's sister, decided to throw a party. All their promotion were invited. It was a huge event since no one had ever seen the Cullens' house. It could seem strange to see shape-shifters there since the Cullens were their natural enemies. But Bella had invited Jacob - who invited Quil, Embry and Evie - before they argued. "I mean, she punched you, dude,"

Jacob didn't answer anything and kept looking around for Bella. On the other side, Embry held his laughter. He would have paid to see that. The group of four shape-shifters walked among the dancing teenagers and stopped at an intersection. They looked around and Jacob's eyes met with the one he was looking for. Bella Swan. Jacob walked towards her and Evie, Embrey and Quil followed him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"You invited me, remember?" Jacob asked back and Evie fought the urge to roll her eyes.

"My punch was too subtle for you?" Bella said and Evie to press her lips to not smile. "It was me uninviting you,"

"Look, Bella, I'm sorry about all of that," Jacob said. "The kiss, your punch... I would love to say it was the animal inside me but... It was just me that messed up and I'm really sorry" Evie looked down. Strangely, hearing Jacob saying that made Evie a bit sad. Jacob saying that it was his choice to confirm his feelings for Bella, it made them real. And deep down, Evie didn't like that.

"I have a gift for you. A graduation gift," he added, taking out a bracelet with a wooden wolf pendant from his pocket. And handed it to Bella. "I made it," Behind, Evie crossed her arm. The situation made her uncomfortable for some reasons. She felt someone nudging her, it was Embry. He softly smiled at her, silently saying that it would be okay and that he was there for her. Evie smiled back at him, reassuring Embry. The latter always had been caring towards Evie. He always made sure she was okay and never felt down. And when she was, he would do his best to make her smile. Evie was grateful to have him by her sad.

"Wow... you made it?" Bella asked amazed and Jacob nodded. "It's beautiful, thank you," Bella looked up but her gaze instantly changed. It was filled with worries. She told Jacob she would be back and walked past him. The group of four shifters turned around to see her with Alice who was standing in the stairs.

"What did you see, Alice?" Bella asked, worried.

"Their decision has been made," she said. The shifters walked closer to the two women with a frown. Jacob went to stand next to Bella and asked what happened.

True Feelings | Twilight Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now