Chapter three

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(Before I start this chapter will contain swear words. Her clothing for this chapter is what she was wearing last chapter)

Rose p.o.v.

As were trekking through the forest of white dreams I was not really paying attention to where I was walking. All I could think about is what Elizabeth said earlier. 'Was that true' 'would they actually hate me'.

Flashback third person p.o.v.

Rose was outside on the porch as she couldn't sleep. She was anxious to meet all her mates. Rose never felt like she was good enough. She knew her sisters other then Elizabeth loved her but were they faking it. She took a deep breathe. She heard the door open and saw Elizabeth come outside. "Stop being a slut and maybe they wont hate you." Rose looked at her in shock. "Also you will never be an Liones princess." Rose looked down towards her lap as tears started to fall. "I bet your mates will all hate you after they find out what you are like bitch." Elizabeth cackled and started to make her way back inside leaving an upset Rose outside.

' Meliodas doesn't hate me right.' Rose thought as she stared up at the stars. Not realizing someone heard what Elizabeth said and was pissed. 

' I'll make sure she wont hurt you no more' they thought watching over Rose from inside the tavern.

Flashback over

I felt someone grip my hand and saw it was Meliodas. He smiled and started to help me travel up the trail as I felt Elizabeth's glare strengthening. "Meliodas are you sure about this, we have been out here three hours now." I heard Hawk say from in front of me. "There is no sign of any animal or human. I could feel my mark near my elbow start itch. 

"Your right Hawk, but I feel my mate mark itch...." I told him rubbing the mark. "One of them have to be here." I finished still rubbing my mark with my free arm. 

"If you say so Rose but I have a bad feeling about this." He said walking up a steeper part of the trail.

"Hold on something doesn't feel right..." I heard Elizabeth exclaim as Meliodas and I walk past her.

"You okay?" Hawk asked while I gave her a confused and weirded out stare as I saw her rub her butt.

"Sure just fine." She said whining a bit, still holding her skirt to her butt. 

I was disturbed but still didn't think any of it. As we continued up the trail Elizabeth kept falling behind. 

"Pick up the pace slow pokes!" Hawk yelled while me, Meliodas, and Elizabeth were walking slower. As I was struggling to climb up the path.

"Coming!" Elizabeth said trying to rush but still holding the skirt to her butt.

"Calm your bacon, its no fun traveling with a nervous piggy." Meliodas claimed helping me balance myself as I almost tripped for the one hundredth time.

"Sorry hawk." I said "and thank you Meli" I said

"What do you mean calling me a nervous piggy, Huh!"  I heard multiple and saw multiple hawks say I felt Meliodas let go of my hand. I saw Meli jump at all the hawks and they all ended up with bumps on their heads.

"Hawk!" Elizabeth claimed as all the Hawks ran and hid behind her crying.

"Even my mom wouldn't hit me like that!" I was now so confused as I saw the mist get foggy again and felt Meliodas wrap his arms around me.

"Who is there?!" I heard Elizabeth yell as I saw the shapes form into Elizabeth's. 

"Now this is creepy" I muttered, Meliodas chuckled.

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