Chapter 12

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(an- I just love Gloxinia's wings)

Rose p.o.v.

As I woke up I noticed I wasn't with the sins and I could feel two presences on either side of me. 

"Good morning Princess." I heard Zeldris mutter as I heard Estarossa chuckle as I snuggled into Zeldris chest as he ran his hand through my hair.

"Little dove are you hungry." Estarossa asked as Zeldris's hands left my hair. 

"A little what happened to Elizabeth?" I asked as I was helped to a sitting position by Estarossa.

"She is not important for you to worry about princess okay." Zeldris said patting my head climbing out of the bed.

"As adorable as this is I think we should go to the others." Estarossa said calmly as he climbed out as well.

"Wait why am I on a bed wasn't this place destroyed?" I asked as I climbed off with Zeldris's help before I was picked up bridal style by Zeldris.

"Estarossa found it for you, we couldn't let our princess sleep on the floor." Zeldris said calmly as Estarossa just hummed along.

"Thank you but I don't deserve all of this." I said as I felt a gloved hand lift my chin to face them.

"Never and I mean never put yourself down, you got that. If I hear it ill make sure you are punished am I clear Little Dove." Estarossa asked as he sternly stared down at me. I started blushing as I hid my head in Zeldris's chest. "Little Dove am I clear?" He asked again as I quickly nodded my head.

"Good job princess now how about we get to the others now." Zeldris stated as he walked out of the door and out to the outside world.

I lifted my head to notice that Fraudrin and Gloxinia were the ones on this branch. I felt Zeldris lower me to the ground as I felt vines wrap gently around me before bringing me over to Gloxinia.

"Hello Gorgeous." I heard him say as the vines closed in around us protecting me and him from the outside world.

"Hello Gloxy." I muttered blushing  profusely as I heard him chuckle as I felt his arm pulling me into his chest.

"You slept well right?" He asked as his wings raised behind him and into my field of vison. 

"Your a fairy like King." I told him smiling as I stared at his wings in awe.

"Who is this King you speak of?" He asked as his eyes narrowed.

"One of my other mates he is the third fairy king." I told him as I felt his hold tighten on me.

"Gorgeous, I want to know more about your other mates do you mind telling me?" Gloxinia asked as I looked at him shocked. Before I could tell him anything I heard my stomach growl. I looked down with a blush as I heard him ask someone to go get me food. "Food shall be here soon." He said as I nodded. I stared into Gloxinia's eyes in a trance before he coughed and snapped both of us out of it.

I started explaining my whole adventure with them as Gloxinia listened in closely. "Wow Gorgeous sounds like you had an interesting adventure." He said as I heard Derieri yelling about food.

"Hello beautiful I brought food as well as some nighttime clothes." Derieri said as Gloxinia let me out of his vines.

"I hope this is okay I just asked the human what was good." She told me as she spat the word human out in disgust.

"Deri why did you say human like that?" I asked as I felt Monspeet's cloak wrap around me again.

"I don't like humans but your different though." She muttered as she handed me the bag smiling at me before growing wings and flying to a higher branch with Monspeet. I looked around and noticed Galand and Grayroad on a higher branch. I felt Gloxy's vines wrap me up and lift me on the branch. 

"Hi Doll-face." Galand said as the vines left my body. 

"Hi Galand and Gray how are you." I asked sitting down and eating the food Deri got me while fixing Monspeet's cloak.

"I am good, how are you feeling." Gray said looking at me with their faces.

"I am okay I am wondering where Elizabeth is." I told them as I could feel their moods shift.

"Rose don't worry about her." Gray said as I finished my food quickly all I could do was nod. I stood up and walked to the edge of the leaf before tripping. I fell off the leaf before I could hit the ground. I felt a pair of arms grab me and they held me against their chest.

"I say we don't let our girl walk around by herself." I heard Monspeet say as his chest vibrates from his words. I could hear all of them nod and hum an agreement.

"Here ill hold our petal." I could hear Melascula say as I felt her darkness swirl around me then I  her arms wrap around me.

"Hi Mela." I muttered as her darkness made me feel warm and comforted. 

"Hello Petal Elizabeth is dealt with she shall never bother you again." Melascula said smiling down at me again.

"Okay thank you." I told her smiling as I snuggled into her chest and the cloak more. I felt us being lifted into the air. I felt her darkness loosen its hold on me and I was placed on a higher branch.

"We need to discuss somethings Petal Fraudrin  brought you some things just don't leave okay." Mela said as she left Fraudrin carried a bag with books, pencils and colors.

"I hope this is fine Rose." Fraudrin said smiling at me before leaving the way Melascula came from. I sat on the ground and started to color on the books not paying any attention until I looked up and saw creatures crawling through a portal. I could tell Drole was aware of my uncomfortableness. I saw Drole's hand pick me up and place me gently into one of his other hands.

"Baby girl you are okay those are just demons." Drole said casually as I stared at the demons in horror. All I could do was nod my head along with what they were saying.

"What is the closet town from here?" I heard Mela ask as I pointed to a town not thinking of anything.

"Thank you Petal." Mela said as the demons took off in that direction. 

"I think Rose should just lay down for awhile." Fraudrin said as I curled into Drole's hand and started to pass out as I heard Gloxinia humming a quiet melody.

(An- Only 1.1k words but I did try my best with my thoughts and Idea's so I hope you all enjoy it)

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