Chapter 4

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(An- Well I need to combine episodes on this one)

Rose p.o.v.

When I woke up I realized three things, One Meliodas was laying down beside me with bandages on his shoulder and that Diane wasn't near, as well as we were in a building. I felt Meliodas's hand tightening slightly and then letting my hand go.

I heard people walk into the room as I sat up more.

"Rose, your awake I am so happy." Hawk said running up to me as I was Starting to sit up. Jolting and wincing at the soreness of the lightning burns from Gilthunder's mana.

"Hey Hawk how long have I been out." I asked Hawk rubbing my left arm as both marks started to burn. 

"Its been a day at least Rose." I looked at him in shock a day. 'That cant be right' I thought looking at everyone in the room.

"How are you feeling Ms. Rose" I looked over to see this doctor walking towards me with a cup of water.

"I am okay it still hurts a little but it should be fine." I said Staring at the only person I don't know yet.

"Can you believe this man is out cold still from all the racket outside." Hawk muttered as  the doctor was helping me to sit on the stool beside the bed. "It is like he is dead " I looked at hawk in horror he cant be dead my mark is still there.

"Well that is quite accurate." The doctor said moving away from me and standing near the base of the bed.

"Doctor it seems you did well and was quite successful in your task." This weird scratchy voice echoed through out the room.

"Belladonna, Spanish fly, Nightshade, and henbane are all the ingredients I used to create the poison. My condolences but this boy will never wake up again." I started to cry as I leaned down and hugged his body.

I wasn't focusing anymore as I felt upset I started to remember earlier when I felt him squeeze my hand. If  he isn't dead then what is he doing. I started to tune in when I felt someone yank me up into a hard armored chest and saw the persons hand reach for Meliodas's sword.

Out of no where Meliodas grabbed me and held me to his chest and grabbed the sword with his other hand. I looked up in shock and happiness he wasn't dead. I just hope we can get out of this place in one piece.

"Impossible no one can survive that much poison." The Doctor said looking at him in disbelief. 

"Too stubborn to die I see but you will release this sword." The Holy knight said still trying to remove the sword from Meliodas's grip.

"Even if die I will never let go of this sword it's the only thing I can do to atone." He muttered as dark power started to dance through out the room. 

"Spout all the nonsense you want the weapon and the princess's will be mine." At those words I saw a mark appear on his head and his beautiful green eyes go into this maroon black color.

Suddenly the holy knight jumped out of the window and ran off. I wrapped my arms around Meliodas while sobbing into his chest. I felt his one arm squeeze me tighter as my tears kept coming out.

"I am sorry but Is that you standing there Meliodas?" I heard Elizabeth ask.

Meliodas let go of my waist and turned to his face to them as I looked up he used his hands to brush the tears off of my eyes.

"It's me hey Elizabeth, Porky and Flower." He said his beautiful green eyes back to their original color. "Flower you should calm your tears I wont leave you I never will leave your side." He told me as I wiped my face clear of my tears.

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