The Human Side • Two

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Part Two

He walked into the room and hurried straight to the window, looking down at the pitch black alley below. Lucy sat on her bed with her knees tucked tight to her chest, watching his every move.

"I'm sorry for calling you," she said quietly, her voice shaking. "I just panicked, I didn't know who else to..."

"It's okay," he replied. "Whoever was here seems to have gone now."

"Did your dad have any idea about what could be happening?"

He scratched his face and walked over to the bed, perching on the edge and turning to look at her. "He said there's tons of explanations for this, and that you're probably not seeing an actual person at your window."

"Great, someone else who doesn't believe me."

"I believe you."

She looked up at him, her round, brown eyes tired and sad. She sighed. "Thanks, Vaughan."

She reached across the bed and took his hand. He looked down at her fingers squeezing his; her skin was soft and warm, her thumb lightly stroking his knuckles.

"Anyway," he said. "I should probably go. I'll keep working on things and come back when-"

"Please don't leave me."


"I- I like having you here. It makes me feel safe."

He swallowed hard and checked the time. "Okay," he said softly. "Alright, I'll er..."

"You can tell me more about what it's like working with your dad." She smiled.

He let out a quiet laugh. "Where to start."

They sat up all night talking, until the sun rose and the birds chirped outside. Vaughan kept checking his watch, counting down the hours until he had to leave to get to college on time. But with every laugh, every smile, every new conversation, he became less concerned. And before he knew it, the time had passed and he was still there.


"You missed your exam!?" Margaux was furious.

She had sat on the stairs waiting for her son to come home, unleashing her wrath the second he stepped through the front door.

"You promised!" she shouted.

Vaughan sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry. I just... It didn't feel right leaving her."

"You mean to tell us you forfeited an entire A Level for a girl you met yesterday?" Sherlock interjected as he stood opposite him in the hallway.

"I didn't do it for her," he replied. "I did it for the case - to try and get to the bottom of-"

"Do you know who you sound like right now?" Margaux pointed to Sherlock. "Him."

"Hey!" said Sherlock.

She stood up and walked down the stairs. "You didn't do it for 'the case', Vaughan, you did it because you like her and you prioritised impulse over common sense!"

"Does it even matter? It's just computer science. I'm not even going to use it!"

"Yes it matters. It matters that you don't seem to care at all about your studies."

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