Double Date

966 25 86

For -celestialcomer 


John clasped his hands together and rested them on the table in front of him. He glanced at his watch before looking around the restaurant again. There was a calm atmosphere; music playing softly, the tables adorned with candles and gold centrepieces. Outside, the evening was setting in, a gentle rain pattering against the window.

He leaned forward slightly, talking in a hushed voice. "She wouldn't stand me up, would she?"

Across the table sat the Holmes'. Sherlock was staring off blankly, as if he were already so bored he had stopped paying attention altogether, while Margaux sat beside him, twirling the stem of her wine glass between her finger and thumb.

"No," she said. "Of course not."

She gave him a reassuring smile. Her lips were painted a deep mauve, eyes glittering beneath long, dark lashes. She'd dressed up for the occasion, and it was clear she'd forced her husband to make an effort too. His face was freshly-shaven and he was wearing a new shirt, John could tell by the way he fiddled with the cuffs and rolled his shoulders against the stiff material.

"She might have," said Sherlock bluntly, as if he were completely uninterested.

"No," Margaux countered quickly. "She hasn't. She hasn't, John, just... order another drink and I'll text her."

She grabbed her bag from under her chair and began to rummage through it. But as her hand finally clasped her phone, a voice chimed behind her.

"So sorry!" said Rose. She was flustered, hurrying quickly towards the table.

"Oh thank god," she said.

John stood up and greeted her with a smile, helping her take off her coat as Margaux leaned towards Sherlock.

"I don't think I could've coped with him moaning about being stood up all night," she muttered.

Sherlock's mouth curled into a smirk.

"I have had the worst day," said Rose as she sat down. "Completely lost track of time."

"What happened?" asked Margaux.

"Ugh shop stuff. I've just hired a new girl and she messed up the inventory."

"Goodness," Sherlock began sarcastically. "It's a miracle you made it here at all."

She rolled her eyes. "I've been here two minutes and you've already started?"

He gave a shrug and took a sip of his drink.

He liked to give her a hard time, secretly charmed by her resistance to his quips. Rose gave as good as she got; un-phased by things others would find intimidating.  

"It's funny," said John. "All the years we've known each other and we've never done this before."

"That's because every time I bring up the idea of a double date, Sherlock comes up with an excuse not to," Margaux replied.

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