What I Saw

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Rushing around as I pack my bag for work as well as pack Abigail's bag for school, she has just finished having breakfast and she is now upstairs getting ready.

"Abigail honey, only five more minutes then we need to go!" I call upstairs and I can her little feet padding around upstairs, this is enough for me to know that she is actually getting changed and not playing with her toys.

The doorbell goes as I halt, wondering who is at our door this early.

Opening the door to find a cheery Matt.

"Good morning" I greet him, "it's a great morning" he smiles as I invite him in, "don't take any offence but what are you doing here?" I question. "I found this in my car this morning" he holds up a pink spotty dog toy that he won for Abigail at the fair two days ago.

"Oh thank God" I reach out for it, "I swear I was going crazy trying to look for it when Abigail was crying for it" I put it on the table where I can easily find it.

"Yeah sorry, I must have taken it back by mistake" he apologises, "oh please don't apologise" I wave him off, "I still don't know how I am going to thank you for helping me out with Abigail at the fair" I bring up.

He really was amazing with her, went on every ride and played all the games with her.

She had a great time.

"You don't need to thank me" he waves me off in return, "I wanted to and I ended up having a great time anyway" he continues. "Yeah it was a really good time" I agree, "Abigail is still buzzing from it" I add, "I definitely think you worked your way into her good books" I commend.

"That was my plan all along" he chuckles, "so how is she?" He wonders.

"Well she didn't have a nightmare last night which is massive progress because she usually has a nightmare every night" I inform him, "I mean I know we are nowhere near over the hill but it's a step in the right direction" I add.

"That's amazing, really" he replies, "it's definitely a good sign" he states.

"Yeah" I agree, "we just need to wait and see" I shrug.

"You know when Louie was having nightmares, we used night lights and calming music to help him" he gives me advice which I really appreciate since he has been there.

"Well we already use the night lights but we haven't tried the calming music" I make a mental note, "I will definitely try that thanks" I thank him. "Anything I can do to help" he replies, "Casey, didn't know you were coming over?" Jess walks down the stairs.

"Yeah, I wanted to drop off the toy I won for Abigail" he explains.

"The pink one she has been talking about?" Jess questions, "exact one" I confirm, "so you're telling me I broke my back searching under every piece of furniture in this house for a toy that you had?" She remarks.

"Uhm, at least you didn't have to search the bushes in the garden thinking it fell from her window" I counter, "I still have the scratches" I point out as they laugh.

"My mistake" Matt laughs even harder.

"Anyway as much as I would like to stay and chit chat, I have a ton of paperwork and a new chef to train so I am off" she opens the door before pausing, I look outside to see her staring at Matt's construction truck.

"Casey" she turns back around, "yeah" he gives her his attention.

"You do construction on the side right?" She asks and I know exactly where this is going, "yes I do" he nods. "Why?" He questions, "just something I want to keep in mind" she doesn't want to say anything yet, not wanting to jinx it.

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