Happy New Years

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*One Month Jump*

It's New Years Eve today, tonight will be the be start of a new life with hopefully everything falling into place. Harry's trial concludes today which means that we will be able to move on in the new year. 

"Ahh" Abigail giggles as I tickle her, "are you going to get dressed then?" I stop for a second, "no" she shakes her head, "I like my pyjamas" she adds. "Well do you like a tickle attack?" I tickle her again, "noo" she laughs as she wiggles under my hands. 

"How about we make a deal?" She nods eagerly.

"You get dressed and then I'll stop tickling you" I suggest but she shakes her head, "okay, I'll stop tickling you and you'll get a cookie" I know this will sweeten the pot.

"Okay" she smiles widely.

"Alright, do you need some help?" I offer.

"No" she shakes her head, "I'm a big girl now" she states, "yes you are" I softly pinch her cheeks and kiss her forehead. "You have fifteen minutes or else I eat the cookie" I warn, "no!" She jumps up from the bed and into her closet. 

Filled with clothes that Jess and I got for her since all her clothes were burned in the fire.

"I'll be downstairs" I go to leave, "remember fifteen minutes" I remind her as I close the door and walk downstairs. 

"She changed yet?" Jess asks, "I just convinced her now" I answer, "you were up there half an hour" Jess chuckles at how long it took me to get Abigail to want to get changed. "I know, I should have used the tickle attack earlier" I sit at the counter. 

"What's wrong?" Jess notices my sad expression that I was trying to hide earlier.

"Nothing" I shrug but Jess knows better.

"It's just I wonder whether I'm going to be good at it" I tell her what's been weighing on my mind, "I mean it took me half an hour to convince her to get changed out of her pyjamas" I sigh. 

"Maybe I'm just not good at it" I admit, "it's only been one month, give yourself a break" Jess comforts me. "You think good parents automatically start that way?" She continues, "no they learn as they go along and it's okay to try different things and see what sticks" she's right, I am over thinking everything. 

"What's got you thinking about this all of the sudden?" She queries.

"I sent in all the adoption forms this morning" I inform her, "very soon it's going to be official and I just want to make sure that I am doing what's best for Abigail" I add.

"Abigail adores you and you adore her" Jess points out, "there is no other person that can give that girl the love and care she deserves better than you" she reassures me. 

"We all know it, especially Amber which is why she trusted you with Abigail in the first place" Amber is still a sore subject, "you just need to believe in yourself" she nudges me.

"I just don't want to mess up" I reveal. 

"You're going to mess up, that's inevitable" Jess states, "but you have a great support system around you to help you when you do" she points out.

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