Chapter 5

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The next day I woke up early so I could catch the bus in time. Seeing it was my first time I needed to get in routine and make sure I don't miss it or I have to do the walk of shame in class, I didn't get to see my mom as she had to leave early so I went to take a bath then dressed in my usual clothes, jeans, t. Shirt and sneakers, I decided not to tie my hair today then I took my bag and headed to the bus station.

I arrived at school and immediately bumped into Zayne, literally. I was too focused on my book that I started reading in the bus that I just couldn't put it down

"woah careful there sweetness" Zayne said while reaching for my waist

"uh sorry, I got distracted"

"I can only hope you were thinking of me" he winked

" Yea ofcourse, I was thinking of just how annoying you are"I rolled my eyes and walked past him

"You know you like me sweetness" he pressed on

"Yea, keep telling yourself that" with that we both walked to class and he took the seat next to me

"that seat is taken" I warned him

"yea, by me. Come on sweetness, don't you want to sit next to me?"

"I really don't Zayne" I sighed because I knew he wasn't going to move anyway

Zayne made it his mission to sit next to me in each class, I don't know how he convinced people to switch seats with him

He actually made an effort to sit with me during break. As annoying as Zayne was I was greatful to have him hang with me. Kayla joined us too

"Hey, I'm so glad I found you" she smiled at me

"You're fast sweetness, already making other friends?" Zayne said

"Sweetness?" Kayla asked

"That's what he insists on calling me"

"Really Pride?" she glared at him

"What? I'm not doing anything wrong" Zayne shrugged

"Are you sure? One would think that name should be reserved for your soulmate" there's just something about the way she said soulmate

"she's not here yet, maybe we will never cross paths"

"but Ava might have one already" Kayla said and Zayne laughed

" she's human" he said and just then they both tensed up "I mean she's human so she's free to do what she wants, aren't we all... This is just high school, nobody worries about soulmates, right Ava?"

"I wouldn't know, I'm not really good in that department"

"You've never had a boyfriend?" they both asked and luckily the bell saved me so I just shook my head feeling very embarrassed and started walking to class
Saturday morning I got ready for my day out with Kayla we decided on watching a movie then we would go for Ice cream, I was picking out my outfit when she texted me to tell me she was outside and I told her to come in.

"I'm so happy Ava is finally making friends, I was starting to think she would bury herself in her room reading novels day and night" I heard my mom say as I went to get Kayla

"oh she's into novels? What genre?" Kayla asked

"Mostly fiction, I've read a lot on wolves and vampires. I like them" I said as I entered the kitchen

"You like wolves?" Kayla asked with a smile on her face and some sudden excitement showed in her eyes.

"Yea I mean, the authors tend to make the stories almost believable and real, I like that, it's really fascinating" I said

Beauty and the Alpha [BEING REWRITTEN] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن