Chapter 23

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*Ava's POV*

The past few days have been so pleasant, I went back home and mom took some time off work to look after me, The Knott family have been around a lot more often as well, Dylan and Zayne have also come to see me. Zayne has been updating me on the school work and he's even taken the initiative to do some of my important work for me.

The cherry on top is that my mom is now warming up to Xander and his kind. Being around the Knotts made her see just how warm, welcoming and protective they are, they are the kindest souls and I'm grateful.

My injuries were healing as well, I wasn't in a lot of pain but I still needed to take some pain killers to ease the pain especially when it was time to sleep, I don't know why but for some reason I feel like I came out of that situation a lot stronger than I was, those werewolves thought they were breaking me down but instead they only made me stronger

Xander was also always fussing, making sure I have everything I need and want. One would think he even moved in with us because he was there everyday and almost all the time unless if he had to attend some meetings. While I was still lost in my own thoughts I felt a pillow hit me

"You thinking about your mate huh" Kayla joked

"hmmm yes you know" I said raising my eyebrows

"ok just stop right there, I don't need to know what you and my brother get up to" she made a disgusted face

"oh please, we haven't even gone further than just kissing" I said

"no wonder he's so irritable" she laughed and this time I was the uncomfortable one

"ok, enough" she only continued laughing

"anyway, you're turning 18 in a few days, any plans?"

"none, I'm probably going to just sit at home especially since my birthday is on a Saturday" I sulked

"no way, you and are going to make the most of it, when I turned 18 I had a blast, my family made it so memorable so I'm going to make yours memorable too" she winked

"what do you have in mind" I asked

"hmmmmm. Why don't I suprise you, I'll come pick you up and we will see where the road leads up, how about that?"

We both agreed to that and I got excited and eager to see what she had planned.

Later I joined mom for supper in the living room, I cuddled up on the couch next to her and ate the spaghetti and mince that she made, that was comfort food for me and she knew it

"so, you're turning 18 soon" she said and I simply nodded

"so, Any ideas on how you want to spend your day?" this question was popping up a lot lately, like everyone was over excited about me turning 18 than I was, I told her about Kayla's idea and she nodded.

"well I'm still going to get cake for you, so you better avail yourself to cut it Missy" she said with a raised eyebrow

"ofcourse, I can cruise around everywhere but I'll always crawl back to my momma" I chuckled

"that's right, 18 or not. You'll always be my little girl. My one and only child" she said and we continued eating.

A while later I went to bath and went to bed, I was going to start school the following day, I really didn't want to miss much more than I already have.

The next few days passed quickly as I got back into my normal routine, and before I knew it it was Friday, I had already all caught up with my school work thanks to Zayne.

My mom woke me up by singing the traditional birthday song, she did this every year on my birthday, it didn't matter that I was getting older but it was a precious moment for both of us and it made her so happy, so there's no way I could tell her to stop.

She made breakfast for me, pancakes with strawberry jam, bacon, eggs, then she added slices of apples just to tease me seeing apples were my daily breakfast.

Birthdays meant I could eat food while sitting on my bed. She jumped in my blankets and we ate

"happy birthday sweety, you're legal now" she laughed then continued "but that doesn't mean you get to misbehave.. Although I know you're responsible" I rolled my eyes at her and we continued eating then I received a call from Xander

"happy birthday beautiful" he said

"thank you" I responded and smiled from ear to ear, my mom took this as a cue to excuse herself

"so Kayla tells me she's taking you out"

"Yea, she won't tell me where we are going but I know it going to be fun"

"Yea, I wish I was the one taking you out. It would be the first birthday I get to spend with you, are you sure there's no way you can cancel with my little sister"

Before I could even respond I heard Kayla yelling "no way you douche, she's mine for the day"

I burst into laughter and Xander ignored her"well one way or another I'll see you before the end of the day beautiful" and he hung up

I finished my breakfast and went to shower, Kayla told me to wear something comfortable so I opted for shorts and a white vest tucked in the shorts, I wore my favorite vans sneakers and let my hair hang loose, as I was doing this I wondered exactly how Kayla and I would be traveling because she doesn't have a car.

I went to see my mom in the living room and she smiled as she handed me my gift, it was a necklace that matched with a bracelet, nothing to cheesy but down right beautiful. I immediately added it on to my outfit for the day.

As I was still waiting I heard a car hoot outside, I said goodbye to my mom and stepped outside, I noticed Xander's car, really, did he just invite himself to a girls day out, but as I walked closer I realised Kayla was driving

"now how did you manage to do this" I asked

"well it turns out my brother would do anything for his mate, and seeing it's her birthday....."

I couldn't help but blush, I really appreciated what Xander was doing for me "so where to captain? " I asked with an accent

"buckle up lady Ava, you're in for a ride" she echoed me

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