Chapter 34

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*Ava's POV *

Life went back to normal after Thomas left, Xander was working from home he hardly went to the pack house so we got to spend a lot of time together, this is what happiness feels like. Spending my days with him even if we are just sitting in the office doing our work.

Sometimes we would have date nights, Xander would try to do things the human way, take me to the movies, parks, theme parks. I was just floating on cloud nine and nothing could get me down

Sometimes I'd go visit my mom, I tried to spend as much time with her as I could and she would also visit us. Being sorrounded by my loved ones for the past two weeks has been amazing.

One thing that's proving to be a challenge is the ability to plan just how I'll cope when I go back to school. Xander wanted to suggest that I put off going to school but he soon realised it means so much for me so he backed down.

I know it looks unrealistic but surely I can make it work, besides when it comes to the work Xander does 80 percent of the work and I pitch in 20 so I can make it work.. I hope so.

Our time together was cut short when Xander had to attend the annual councils meetings with other Alphas,  I was getting used to him going away for a few days

"so exactly how long will you be gone?"  I asked as I was packing his bag wanting to know just how many suits I should pack

"It's a weekend thing so two suits should do"

"so what do you guy's do there anyway?"

"You know, just sit and drink whiskey, play golf and relax all weekend long" he said trying not to laugh

"really.. No wonder you're looking forward to this"

"I'm just kidding babe, we sit in long meetings discussing the growth of our packs among other pack business"

" more than ten Alphas in one room, I can imagine how peaceful it is"

"the council rules prohibit any physical fights knowing our strength and egosthe meeting would result in a bloodbath"

"hmmm I think I like the council leaders" I joked

"Did you like uncle Thomas?"

"Absolutely not" the thought of him made me mad all over again

"then imagine being in the same room with him and two of his brothers who are exactly like him. If not worse"

"yikes, rather you than me"

Later on Xander left and I was left in that huge house, alone again. Story of my life

Kayla and Zayne kept me company the next day. They both were sleeping over so I didn't feel alone. Dylan was also running the pack smoothly so I had nothing to worry about.

Part of my duties was making sure pack members are taken care of so I met with some of them to discuss challenges they were facing, some of the girls felt excluded because they weren't allowed to train with the guys and they really wanted to. So I wrote down all the complaints and planned to discuss them with Dylan later on.

We also had to work on the children's daycare, getting more caregivers and teachers, the planning ended up taking so much time that Dylan had to go back to the house with me to continue working.

We sat in Xander's office trying to get work done until Kayla came and dragged us out for supper

"thanks for cooking Kay, I know it's my home but you're the one doing the work"

"oh please, cooking is nothing compared to what you guys are doing. Keeping the pack running, fixing things. That's a lot of work"

"one im glad I don't have to do" Zayne joked

"Yea well it helps when the Luna is dedicated" Dylan said

"come on, you're the one whose running this, I'm the one bringing you the problems" I laughed

It's true though, without Dylan I'd fall apart. He really is pitching in, hard. Xander is lucky to have him, not just as a beta but as a best friend too

During supper I kept having this uneasy feeling. You know when you feel like something bad is about to happen or you're about to recieve bad news. Yea that feeling.

I immediately thought of Xander, could something be going on there,but he assured me that no fights can break out there or the Alphas at fault would face a disciplinary hearing. I felt a strong urge to call him so I did

"missing me already beautiful?"

"You know I do, so how's it going"

"It's ok, no one has stepped on someone else's toes yet"  he chuckled

"well that's good to hear"

"and how's it going there?"

"It's ok, Dlyan is working hard "

"from what I hear so are you"

"I'm just trying"

"don't say that Ava, you're working your  butt off. I appreciate it baby"

I decided not to mention the real reason I called. The last thing I wanted was to worry him. So I just called my mom instead, she was good and spending time with Kevin, her new friend. After a short gossip session I went back to join the others but the feeling didn't get better. If anything, it got worse.

Dylan and I went back to the office to work while Kayla and Zayne remained downstairs to watch a movie, ur seemed like the more time passed the worse I got

"are you ok?" Dylan asked noticing the change in my mood and face

" Yea, I'm just a bit tired that's all"

"Then we should stop, we will continue tomorrow"

I agreed seeing that I was finding it more harder to concentrate but I also knew it was going to be a mission to fall asleep with this feeling. Just as I was packing up Dylan received a call and his face changed

"how the fuck did that happen!" he shouted and I immediately got nervous. I wished I could hear what the other person was saying but I had to wait

"what is it" this came out as a whisper. Part of me already knew what to expect but I wanted him to confirm it

"I think you need to sit for this" he said with his head bowed down

"dammit Dylan, what's going on?" now I was panicking

"  It's one of the betas of our neighboring packs, someone poisoned some of the Alpha's food during supper. Three Alphas to be precise.... Two are dead, one... One is in a coma"

"oh my God... Xander......"

"he's one of them... The one in a coma"

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