39 | Goodbye

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Nature's light peered through the curtains, gentle wisps of warmth grazing my cheek like a lover's touch.

I had not slept like that in well, forever.

Rolling over, I sat up. My eyes fell to my discarded sweater on the floor before I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes as I did so.

Oh, so I wasn't dreaming then...

Licking my lips as if to savor any lingering aftertaste of when his met mine, I got up and headed for the shower.

I knew he'd left early to the pack house. It was his time to bond with his pack... Comfort, thank them and then of course- get back on with business.

I hoped he would take the time to reflect on everything but his position meant such a time spent in solitude was a luxury- he had to be there for his people.

Turning on the heat full blast, I stepped into the steam. As I tipped my head back under the cascading shower head, I replayed the night's events. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Was it actually real? Could I actually plan for the future? Get excited? Daydream? Envision?

Since coming to Cross Rivers and finding Gabriel, the sole focus was on staying safe, but now... now I could dream of new beginnings. Our new beginnings together.

My hair was still damp when I braided it. One on either side, the length I noticed, was getting difficult to manage, my fingers getting caught in tangles as I tried to weave each section through to the next.

Making a mental note to get it trimmed soon, I threw on my singlet and jeans before heading downstairs.

Rummaging through the buffet drawers, I couldn't find the car keys.

"If you're looking for the keys they're right here."

I near jumped out of my skin as I turned to his voice, the front door shutting behind him.

Running forward, I leapt into his arms, pulling off the key that was still twirling around his index finger.

"I thought you'd be busy today, how long are you home for?"

Pecking my forehead, he placed me down, "I had a feeling you needed me today, I figured you would be eager to see your home now that it's safe to do so..."

I immediately regretted my excitement at leaving his territory to visit my own, "I'm sorry... I know it comes across as unappreciative- I just need to see it."

"Don't apologize Miesha. I can't imagine how it must feel to have been pulled from your roots- would you like me to come along?"

I felt my smile reach my eyes before I planted a kiss on his cheek, "I'd love that."


I felt my heart hum in anticipation as we traveled the same winding roads that I took to get here all those months ago.

Passing by the towering evergreens, I watched the birds soar sideways, cutting through the clouds as we drove past. I was so relaxed. The feeling was foreign, I had to grab Gabriel's thigh as he drove just to remind myself that it wasn't simply a dream.

To think that the last time I had been through here, I'd been filled with panic and despair. It was crazy to think how much had changed.

It really had been fate.

I knew he felt what I was feeling. Grabbing my thigh in return, he squeezed it gently as if in promise that yes indeed, it really was over.

Barely two hours passed before the tires rolled to a stop. Right in the middle of the wild woods, the soft, dim sky mellowed under the blanket of leaves from above.

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