Chapter 1

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This couldn't be happening.

There's just no way.

She had to be tripping on some kind of drug, she thought, but the more she observed her surroundings of the 80s styled cafeteria and shoulder pad wearing students, the realer things became.


The soft sound of an old rerun of Courage The Cowardly Dog was the only ambiance of the wildly yet simply decorated bedroom. That and not so soft snores coming from the resident of said bedroom.

That is until shrill beeping filled the room and the snores were replaced by an agitated groan.

"Danielle, get up and get ready before you're late for school!" A gruff voice called from somewhere downstairs.

"Okay!" Danielle yelled back in annoyance. She groaned again and rolled over, stepping out of bed. The cold morning air sent a chill through her body as her feet made contact with the freezing wooden floor. A sigh escaped her lips and she stumbled groggily over to her closet.

Without much thought, she pulled out a white t-shirt, a black Dravus Travis men's flannel, and a pair of men's light wash jeans. She slipped on her favorite black sports bra and changed into a pair of black boxers to match before putting on the rest.

As she pulled on her black work boots and began tying her laces, the bedroom door opened and a middle aged man poked his head through. He looked the girl up and down and the disdain he tried to hide on his face was ever present.

"Hurry up, you're gonna be late," was all he said before backing out and closing the door. Danielle closed her eyes and sighed. Her relationship had been rough with her dad since she came out about a year and a half ago. It's gotten better but it was still tough nonetheless.

She finished her laces and stood up, grabbing her backpack and stuffing her charger into the side pocket before walking out of her room and bouncing down the stairs.

She gave a quick 'bye' to her dad on the way out, and after receiving a nod in response, she shut the door behind her.

Stepping into her 2020 Chevy Silverado 1500, she put the key into the ignition and twisted it. It roared to life and the radio blasted some new song she'd never heard before. She smiled and backed out of the driveway and started on her way to Westerburg High.

Her and her dad may not have had an amazing relationship, but he did well by her. Provided her the best that he could and made sure she was happy. Danielle appreciated him and all he did, things were just hard without her mom and she understood the man's own struggles.

When she pulled up to a red light, she pulled out her phone and connected it to her radio, putting on some song from her 80s playlist.

"Too Shy," by Kajagoogoo began playing and she smiled. Sure it was a little overrated and the name of the band made her chuckle, but she liked it.

She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song and nodded her head, mouthing the words the whole way to the school. When she pulled into the parking lot and parked in the student section, the song faded out. She let out a sigh and sat there for a moment.

"Sometimes I wish I was alive during the 80s," she muttered before undoing her seat belt and hopping out of the large truck, making her way inside the old building.

Westerburg itself had been around during the 80s, but had seen many changes. With new wings being built and remodeling done just about everywhere imaginable, Danielle wished silently that she could've seen it back in the day.

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