You'll walk again|| BriarLight x Fem! Reader

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It was a warm sunny day, new-leaf had just come around and even though it was lovely and warm. There was a sickness that had found its way into ThunderClan...and I was very worried.

Many have caught this strange illness and I was sat outside the nursery with TwigBranch, a close friend and one who I saw as my own. Me and BriarLight cared for her when she was separated from her sister.

JayFeather then emerged from the den, "how's everything in there?" I muttered quietly. The grey tabby seemed to be reluctant to say.

"Everything is fine, every cat has mostly been cured...however," JayFeather let out a heavy sigh, his milky blue eyes stared at the ground, "BriarLight hasn't got much time left..."

"W-what...?" TwigBranch murmured, my ears flattened, "she has to live, I know she will!"

"JayFeather...Please tell me the truth...!" I pleaded. JayFeather didn't flinch at my pleads but he did feel sympathy.

"As a Medicine cat...I can't tell a lie..." he mewed sadly, I padded onto the Nursery to see BriarLight in her nest, the queens helped her out of the nursery and into the medicine den. I followed along with TwigBranch.

"What's going on?" I heard a voice from behind me. It was Millie and GreyStripe.

"Please get BlossomFall and BumbleStripe...BriarLight hasn't got much time left..." I whispered, GreyStripe immediately went to get his two other kits as Millie rushed into the medicine den. I followed along with TwigBranch to see the brown she-cat in her nest.

Her eyes slowly opened to see her family, a weak smile formed on her face. "Hello..." was all she said. Millie was already in tears.

I sat in silence, tears threatening to escape. TwigBranch sat close beside me, her green eyes cloudy.

"Y/N..." BriarLight whispered, I stud up and padded towards her, before crouching down beside the brown she-cat. "Take care of your self ok? Along with TwigBranch, JayFeather and my family..."

I started sobbing, nuzzling close to BriarLight as she licked the top of my head, "I-I'll try, for you, BriarLight..." Everyone sat beside me, BriarLight save another soft smile before closing her eyes...

"She was good to me when I was a kit..." TwigBranch whispered, "you and her made me feel like I belonged..."

I stayed silent as the grey she-cat nuzzled me, I let out a heavy sigh, "at least she can walk again, among the stars..."


Two days has passed since BriarLight had Died, I did what she said. I cared for TwigBranch and Her family. I helped JayFeather and AlderHeart when needed, but I couldn't shake the feeling of her being didn't feel the same.

All of the times I spent with her, the great battle, caring for TwigBranch and helping JayFeather felt like a blur.

Everyone in the clan had got to sleep, I had eventually gotten to sleep in my old nest, I just wish I could cuddle up to the brown she-cat again...

"Everyone we need to evacuate!" FireStar's voice called through camp as everyone started to panic, BriarPaw woke me up and we both ran out of ThunderClan's camp, huddling beside BumblePaw and BlossomPaw. "Is everyone here?"

"Wait! I forgot my mouse!" MouseFur's mewed, I had to roll my eyes at her. "It's only a mouse! Why is it important?" It looked like she took offence to that as she glared at me. "StarClan gifted us with that mouse and I'm not letting it go to waste!"

LongTail then stepped forward, his scarred, pale eyes looked at the brown she-cat, "I'll go get it for you MouseFur."

The Tom left without another word, "wait LongTail! Let me go with you!" She didn't even wait for an answer as she ran back into camp. Millie's worried cries echoed through the the forest.

"BriarPaw stop! It's dangerous!" I called out for her but I didn't get an answer, and then suddenly, a tree came crashing down.

I jolted awake, looking around in a panic, "it was just a dream..." I whispered to myself. Shaking my F/c Fur I blinked a few times and left the warriors den.

Looking up at the dark sky, seeing all of the stars twinkle, I let out a small sigh, "I'm sorry this happened, BriarLight," I whispered, "if only it was me that took the injury..."

"Please don't be sad Y/W/N," I she-cats voice come from behind me, I turned around to see the ghostly StarClan figure of BriarLight, "you need to move on..."

I knew I did, but I just refused to, she was my greatest friend along with her siblings. She was the one I loved for so many moons. "Y-your right..." I muttered, "I do need to move on..."

"I know you'll find some other cat to love," the brown she-cat mewed, "but we will always love each other and I'll be waiting for you in StarClan."

I gave her one last loving smile before she disappeared bat into the stars. "I hope I can find another cat who will love me as mush as you did, BriarLight."

"I'll promise to name one of my kits after you."

Sorry again for being inactive, and sorry that this was a short one

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