001: Netherworld

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Today adam decided to visit iruma since they haven't seen each other for three weeks now, they don't have anything to contact each other but they left a sign at their last meeting place of where they're heading next.

It was a dangerous move especially for adam who still have tails and the world has eyes on him. But he couldn't help it. After few miss met ups and being lost of where the other is they decided to do this.

Adam thought of the code while iruma thought where to hide it in central places.
The last meeting area was somewhere at the woods.

He doesn't know if iruma was there or not but if iruma wasn't there adam would find the sign of where he would be and what's his doing there.

At first adam was little bit doubtful of iruma's hiding tactic because how can a pure person like him hide something like this and besides good person are always bad at hiding so adam test iruma.

He made iruma hide his favorite hoodie, it was dark green it could quickly blend in the forest however adam made iruma hide it in an abandoned facility where everything was colored white or yellow. Plus his hoodie have a unique scent.

It isn't from a perfume or oil scent but from his own body. Iruma doesn't know that thought, he just thought it smell good.

Adam give iruma twenty minutes to hide his hoodie, they have a little bet on it too, if iruma succeed in hiding his favorite hoddie he can have one wish and if adam found it before the end of the day, he can order anything to iruma.

Alas the time is up and adam confidently went inside to find it. First he thought he could smell his hoodie but nothing sort of scent come to him. And the day almost end he couldn't find it anywhere.

So the winner of their bet was Iruma, however he didn't wish anything yet and said to just save it so if ever he wanted something from adam he would use that wish.

Adam thought that time was 'where the heck did the cute cinnamon go?! Who is this clever bitch with his innocence face!?' he couldn't let go of it and ask for another round.

But iruma wins again, and adam couldn't figure out how the he did it.

After that little episode of him reminiscing the day he lose for the first time again, Adam arrive at the woods where iruma stayed last three weeks ago, lucky he saw a bonfire just right where iruma camp were back then, he quickly went there, a little bit excited to see his favorite person.

"RURU-CHAN! I'M HERE~"he yelled so loud the birds relaxing at the trees flee away from them. He giggles at that.

"ADAM!!!"iruma yelled back soon as he heard the call, he was so used being call by his nickname he doesn't blush anymore like back in those years he always blush when adam call him that.

He run to adam and hug him.

"what this? You miss me?"adam ask playfully while hugging iruma back. Back then he wasn't familiar with affection and sincerity but iruma show him the ropes and made him feel the warm.

Whenever iruma hugs him, it feels like his home.

"so, why are you're still here? I was expecting you to be away by now or in some tropical island with your parents"thats a lie adam was praying iruma was still there so he won't go hunting him like a wolf chasing his prey.

Iruma let go of adam and scratch his cheek. "I'm leaving today, my parents are kind of short in money so i applied in a tuna fishing crew"adam frown, he doesn't know how iruma become a kindhearted boy with such parents like that.

However for iruma he won't show how he hated his parents. Because even thought iruma's parents were like that he loved them wholeheartedly.

He sigh. Iruma was like an angel who trips from the above thats why he landed on earth, then a demon pick him up and made him do all the work from a very young age.

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