006: My family heritage. prt:2

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Time skip, after the breakfast event the two went to their school. Sullivan was about to follow them like a creepy stalker but adam sign opera to immediately stop him.

Just like what he instructed the demon cat captured the whining old demon. He even mention that the old demon need to work from their home.

Adam giggles at that sight, while iruma sweat. At their journey towards the demon school, babylus.

It was quiet, because adam is in deep thought. He doesn't know if he should tell iruma that his haft demon or not. 'hmm, what if i start off by saying; hey iruma do you know? I'm haft demon! No! That's shitty... What about, ruru-chan recently i just discovered I'm a haft demon... What the fuck so dramatic, hmmm... Okay self! What about; iruma, I'm haft demon but i don't eat humans so....don't be scared? No! Okay, okay! brain you can do this, it's simple! very simple just open your mouth and let it trip!'

Adam took a deep breath, 'here i go!' he was about to stop iruma from walking but then, he feel a strong wind from the above.

He look up and saw the students flying towards the school in full speed while singing the school song.

He glance at iruma, his look bewildered and shivering from the cold breeze. That look was enough for adam to put aside his secret and quickly aid the trembling baby iruma'i guess i'll tell him later' he taps iruma by the shoulders and poke his cheek.

"are you scared, ruru-chan?"iruma resemble a scared cat, adam find that very adorable. "why you look so scared? Yesterday we pull the act pretty well so no need to worry"

"but if they find out we are humans, they will eat us!"adam sigh, since he discovered his haft, his fear change but on other hand iruma is still the same, however the new discovery doesn't matter. Adam will still do everything to protect his little cinnamon.

After a little bit of thinking, adam snap his finger an idea pop up in his head. "hmm, let's say it was like an 13 year old girl going to a bar, she acts like 18, looks 18 and even have card that says she's 18 so the big guys let her in—"

"b-but tha—"adam cover iruma's lips. "hush let me finish! It's her first time going in but her friends told her to just act like she's 18, and she did, want to guess what happened next?"

"she got kick out?"iruma mumbles, adam pat iruma's head as if calming a scared cat. "no, she enjoy the whole night partying with her friends, because she pretended she's 18, no one suspicious of her because she look like 18, no one kick her out because she, Instead of panicking, she just enjoy what kind of night she have with her friends"

"you see, my dear ruru-chan, granpa announced we are his grandsons, so that means in their eyes we are demons like them, and if we continue acting like one, then nothing bad gonna happen"even though it was great explanation iruma notice something wrong.

"isn't dangerous for a 13 years old girl to go in a bar full of adult strangers? And they banned under 18 becaus—"once again adam cover iruma's mouth. 'damn i use the wrong story!!'

"the lesson there is, if you act like one, you'll become one"adam sigh, "plus if you want to survive you have to pretend of what they already believe that you are"adam subconscious bit his bottom lips, he can't believe his other side is raising on the surface. Iruma tap his hand that is covering his mouth.

Quickly adam withdraw his hand, "but adam, she still in a dangerous place, like where we are right now, they might not know of our real origin but it's still a place that wasn't for us"the seriousness in iruma's face, tug adam's rotting heart. ,'gosh! He always knows what to say in life and death situation!'

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