Chapter 24

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Vince's POV

I got startled when I opened my eyes because Ricardo was crying next to me.  I sat up quickly and took him in my arms.
''Why is my boy crying?'s fine.'' I said in a baby voice and rocked him in my arms. He eventually calmed down when I smelled something gross.

I changed his diaper and dressed him in an onesie James bought yesterday for him. I ordered furniture for his room and it should come today.

I got up from the bed and went with him downstairs. I made him baby formula in the bottle which he drank happily. I put him back on the bed so I can quickly brush my teeth and get dressed.

Just when I took him again, front door bell rung. I rushed to open the door when I saw delivery guys.
''Hello! Dresser and wardrobe for Mr. Ruiz?''
''Yes, that's me. I'll show you where to put them.''

They followed me upstairs where I showed them his room. They left furniture inside. I payed them as they thanked me and left me alone.

''Look, baby! Your room is getting better and better. Do you think mommy will like it?'' I cooed in baby voice. He yawned a little so I started rocking him slowly in my arms. He was soon closing his eyes and was out quickly.

I put him on my bed and secured him with pillows. I rushed to his new room where all the bags from yesterday was put. I haven't unpacked it yet, because I didn't have where to put it until now.

I moved the wardrobe where it was supposed to be and I do that with the dresser. There was only carpet missing but I will buy that with no problem.

I put a new bed sheet on the matress in a crib and threw two pillows inside of it. I attached some toy on the crib because that was for fun. I folded his clothes neatly in the wardrobe. Anita wouldn't like to see untidy room. She is clean freak.

I was satisfied with the final results. Dresser was filled with his stuff for bath and changing. Being a parent is really hard and I confirm that now that I became one.

Wardrobe was clean and crib was clean also. I set the one baby monitor on his dresser, turning it on and I brought the other one in my room. My son was peacefully sleeping so I went to take a shower quickly since I couldn't have one this morning.

I finished and put on my boxers. I dressed in pair of grey sweatpant and plain white shirt. Ricardo started crying again. I sighed and rushed to him. I picked him up again and rocked him in my arms.

After sometime he still hasn't calmed down which scared me.
''Why are you crying so much?'' I said frustrated. I tried putting him in a different position but he cried harder.

I called my mom's number. She is the only one that can help me right now.
''Mom, can you please come to my house. Ricardo is crying all the time and nothing is helping him. I don't know what to do.'' I rushed out still rocking his crying form.
''I'm coming right now. Calm down.''

I was sweating badly. How can I help him? Maybe he is hungry, but he ate three hours ago. He didn't poop so I don't need to change his diaper. Maybe sometimes is hurting him, but I don't know what.

In ten minutes I heard the doorbell and hurried to open the door. My mom appeared and took him in her arms.
''Mom, he is crying for more than twenty minutes. I fed him and changed him. Maybe he is hurting somewhere.''
''I'll see what's wrong with him.''

She went to the living room. I went to the kitchen and drank glass of water. My hands were shaking from being scared so much. If only Anita was here.

Soon I didn't hear any cries and that made me sigh in relief. My mom came to me with him in his arms and handed him to me. I saw small smile coming on his lips which surprised me or that's what I thought.

''How did you calm him down so fast?''
''When you fed him, you obviously didn't made him burp so that's why he was feeling uneasy.'' She explained chuckling.
''He was supposed to burp?''
''Of course. Remember that for the next time.''
''Thanks, mom.''

I sat with her in the living room and caressed my son's chubby cheek. When he looks me with his blue eyes, it's like Anita is looking at me.

''How are you feeling, son?''
''It's really hard, mom.'' I sobbed. Tears were sliding down my face. My mom pulled me to her chest just like when I was a kid.
''I miss her so much. I can't take care of him alone. He needs his mother and she is sleeping in hospital. How can I do everything alone?''

''It will be alright. Anita is really strong and I believe she will wake up soon. But in the meanwhile., Ricardo needs all attention and care he could get from his father. You have to fight for him.''

I pulled away and wiped my cheeks. My mother is right. I will the best dad to my little prince. He deserved the world and he will get one. Anita won't leave us.

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